memandangkan dah raya harini (WUHUUUUU!), so aku nk share laaa tips cara-cara nak menghadapi hari yang penuh kegembiraan ini dengan betul dan mengikut sunnah! seperti kita tahu setiap sunnah nabi yang kite ikut walaupun sekecil-kecil sunnah pun (contoh macam memulakan aktiviti dgn bismillah) ganjarannya amat besar auu. haaa.

ni semua aku dapat daripada sirah sirah nabi yang aku pernah dengar dulu. insyallah betul dan bermanfaat untuk kita semue hiks. kalau salah mohon betulkan okay guys!

1. makan dulu pagi tu - nabi ajar makan kurma dalam bilangan ganjil. kalau xde kurma ape ape pun boleh laa asaalkan makan sebelum gi solat. ni untuk menunjukkan yg kita tak puasa pd hari itu. puasa pd hari 1st raya haram ye rakan2. mohon cakna.
2. memakai pakaian yg cantik, menawan, bergaya dan kemas disertakan dgn wangi-wangian.
3. membawa anak2 dan isteri ke tempat solat hari raya (masjid/surau) - untuk wanita yang uzur takleh solat, seeloknya gi jugak untuk bertakbir bersama-sama and dgr khutbah hari raya. Ingat! hari raya ini ialah hari kemenangan kite umah islam soo kite kenelah sambut sekali! 
4. solat hari raya secara berjemaah - walaupun sunat tapi solat raya ni lain sikit dari solat sunat yang lain. kerana rasulullah pn tak pnah buat sorg2.
5. pergi dan balek daripada masjid menggunakan jalan yg berbeza - time zaman Rasulullah, baginda buat cmtu supaya baginda dapat jmpe dn bermesra dgn lagi ramai org dn boleh saling meminta maaf.
6. memberi salam, senyum dan mengucapkan selamat hari aidilfitri kat saudara-saudara seislam kita tak kesah sape pun - sekali lagi aku ingatkan! aidil fitr ialah hari kemenangan umat islam! so kite kene laa sesama happy tegur saudara-saudara kite yang lain ucap tahniah sbb kite da menang. kalau dulu sahabat2 jmpe je msti ckp 'takaballah hu minna wa minkum'
7. jgn lupe bayar zakat!
8. time hari raya jgn laa bersedih over naa - time hari raya lah kite kene bergembira sbb da kembali kpd fitrah kita. jd tak elok laa ckp, "aku tk suke raya tahun neh. menyedihkan"

sebelum terlambat. saya, Jazlee Arief Bin Muhamad Nasir dan keluarga nk ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri kpd semua rakan-rakan dan saudara sekalian. maaf zahir batin atas segala kesalahan yang pernah saya lakukan sama ada sedar atau pun tidak. 

kullu 'am wa antum bikhair. wa takabballah hu minna wa minkum. 

hyeeeeee! first post setelah sekian lama. seperti yang telah diterangkan di 'box' kat tepi ni mungkin aku akan post byk berkaitan keagamaan. sooo kalau tak suke tkppe tkyah baca. 

tetibe pulak teringat ade pernah rakan aku ceritakan satu kisah yang para ulama' pernah berbincang tentang kecantikan/kehenseman rasulullah. dan mereka mendapat kata sepakat.

kecantikan itu ibarat buah limau. Buah itu dibelah dua dan setengah itu milik rasulullah. Baki setengah lagi itu dibelah lagi. Dan hasil belahan itu milik nabi yusuf. Dan lebihan itu dibelah-belah lagi dan diberikan kpd dia dan dia.

Tp kenapa zaman rasul tidak ada fitnah berlaku seperti zaman nabi yusuf? Sebab rasulullah bukan sahaja dibaluti dgn sifat jamil tp dgn sifal jalal. Sifat hebat. para sahabat dulu nak bertentang dengan rasulullah pun malu kerana kehebatannya.

orange photo: oranges oranges.jpg
oh only god know how much i miss school's life. how much i miss them. :')

on 4 April 2012 , my sains rembau buddies and I went for a trip to pangkor island! Woot woot. There’s 24 people attend for this event. It was really fascinating. And I surely can’t describe it with words. Seriously cant.

In the morning of that day, We depart from pudu bus station and head straight forward to lumut, perak. After we arrived at lumut, we take ferry there and head to the pangkor island.

And well suddenly I feel like I’m typing a report for the trip, so I’ll stop here.

What I really want to say is, 3 days and 2 night we spent time with each other berkayak, snorkeling, build sand castle, buried miloi in the sand, had a tour on the whole island using a motorcycle, play volleyball and others, makes me feels like I’m living at the edge of the paradise.

living at the edge of the paradise. It’s what we called metaphor. ;)

My father said that he will cut my salary for my absent at work. And I feel that it was totally worth it. And I didn’t feel sorry at all. Wise man once said, ‘money can buy you anything except happiness in real life

I will go to Egypt this September to continue my study there. I’ll surely kept this memories deep into my heart so I won’t forget about them and I can cherish the moment that i had been through. haha

This may sounds gay, but to me going to pangkor is just an excuse for us to be together again even just for a while. Haha. I love you guys lah biatch!

In shams, I have one or maybe two best friend there. In SMSR, i don’t know about everybody else but to me, they are all my best friends. Weee. Ok lah. Jane!

so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home. tonight.'

one day, a young boy tells his real feeling to his crush. unfortunately, the girl rejected him. his friends feel pity about what happen to him.

but that boy doesn't seems to be sad. and then his friends ask, "why aren't you looking sad at all?"

the boy replied, "why should i be sad? i lost someone that doesn't even know that i'm exist. but that girl lost somebody that really love her. so, i'm not the one that should be sad" :)


i'm busy right now. heee. if you know what i mean. ;P

hye peeps! haha. it's been a while eh since i post something new here. i hv some story to share with you all. but i'm working right now.

so i dont have the time to write. the story that i want to share is about my journey with my beloved friends. SMSR friends. i really wanna talk about it, but i cant right now.

maybe tomorrow i'll write about it. here. take a look at this vid. you may can guess what sort of thing that i gonna write after this. ok jane!

wait, before i end this. i want you all to know that i finally cut my hair! WootWoot! haha. at last. for more than 4 month i keep my hair long. finally, i cut it.

reasons i cut my hair :
1. my mom keep nagging about my long hair
2. my hair keep bugging me

3. had a hard time to keep it clean n neat

4. didn't satisfy with my hairstyle

as a kid, everybody must have their own wish list. and yeah. it's surely include me. when i was a kid. i'm the type that doesn't have much interest in things or gadgets or etc etc.

there's only 3 things that i wanted the most in my life. wanna know? 1st! i want my own computer so that i wont arguing with my brother n sisters about who gonna use it.

2nd! new phone so that i wont have to face any problems such as cannot search the line or whatever that makes me wanna throw it away to the wall. n maybe so at last i can show off to my friends (my childhood way of thinking)

and 3rd! i want my own car. so i wont have to swear or condemn anybody for picking me up late at somewhere if i ask them too.

yeah. all the list in my wish list was finally ticked. n i supposed to say that I'm one of the happiest guy in the world. thanks Allah for giving me such pleasure. Alhamdulillah. and thanks abah n mama for lending me some cash when i don't have enough money to pay.

that's all maybe. jane! wait! oh yeah. i forgot. i want to introduce to you my new bestie. even tho it is not the real one. but i'll show you their twins.

(his name is Thousand Oro)

(this one is DualCrimson)

(and the 3rd one, i called him Trafalgar)