on 4 April 2012 , my sains rembau buddies and I went for a trip to pangkor island! Woot woot. There’s 24 people attend for this event. It was really fascinating. And I surely can’t describe it with words. Seriously cant.

In the morning of that day, We depart from pudu bus station and head straight forward to lumut, perak. After we arrived at lumut, we take ferry there and head to the pangkor island.
And well suddenly I feel like I’m typing a report for the trip, so I’ll stop here.
What I really want to say is, 3 days and 2 night we spent time with each other berkayak, snorkeling, build sand castle, buried miloi in the sand, had a tour on the whole island using a motorcycle, play volleyball and others, makes me feels like I’m living at the edge of the paradise.
living at the edge of the paradise. It’s what we called metaphor. ;)

My father said that he will cut my salary for my absent at work. And I feel that it was totally worth it. And I didn’t feel sorry at all. Wise man once said, ‘money can buy you anything except happiness in real life’
I will go to Egypt this September to continue my study there. I’ll surely kept this memories deep into my heart so I won’t forget about them and I can cherish the moment that i had been through. haha
This may sounds gay, but to me going to pangkor is just an excuse for us to be together again even just for a while. Haha. I love you guys lah biatch!
In shams, I have one or maybe two best friend there. In SMSR, i don’t know about everybody else but to me, they are all my best friends. Weee. Ok lah. Jane!
'so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home. tonight.'

In the morning of that day, We depart from pudu bus station and head straight forward to lumut, perak. After we arrived at lumut, we take ferry there and head to the pangkor island.
And well suddenly I feel like I’m typing a report for the trip, so I’ll stop here.
What I really want to say is, 3 days and 2 night we spent time with each other berkayak, snorkeling, build sand castle, buried miloi in the sand, had a tour on the whole island using a motorcycle, play volleyball and others, makes me feels like I’m living at the edge of the paradise.
living at the edge of the paradise. It’s what we called metaphor. ;)

My father said that he will cut my salary for my absent at work. And I feel that it was totally worth it. And I didn’t feel sorry at all. Wise man once said, ‘money can buy you anything except happiness in real life’
I will go to Egypt this September to continue my study there. I’ll surely kept this memories deep into my heart so I won’t forget about them and I can cherish the moment that i had been through. haha
This may sounds gay, but to me going to pangkor is just an excuse for us to be together again even just for a while. Haha. I love you guys lah biatch!
In shams, I have one or maybe two best friend there. In SMSR, i don’t know about everybody else but to me, they are all my best friends. Weee. Ok lah. Jane!
'so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home. tonight.'

one day, a young boy tells his real feeling to his crush. unfortunately, the girl rejected him. his friends feel pity about what happen to him.
but that boy doesn't seems to be sad. and then his friends ask, "why aren't you looking sad at all?"
the boy replied, "why should i be sad? i lost someone that doesn't even know that i'm exist. but that girl lost somebody that really love her. so, i'm not the one that should be sad" :)
i'm busy right now. heee. if you know what i mean. ;P
but that boy doesn't seems to be sad. and then his friends ask, "why aren't you looking sad at all?"
the boy replied, "why should i be sad? i lost someone that doesn't even know that i'm exist. but that girl lost somebody that really love her. so, i'm not the one that should be sad" :)
i'm busy right now. heee. if you know what i mean. ;P

hye peeps! haha. it's been a while eh since i post something new here. i hv some story to share with you all. but i'm working right now.
so i dont have the time to write. the story that i want to share is about my journey with my beloved friends. SMSR friends. i really wanna talk about it, but i cant right now.
maybe tomorrow i'll write about it. here. take a look at this vid. you may can guess what sort of thing that i gonna write after this. ok jane!
wait, before i end this. i want you all to know that i finally cut my hair! WootWoot! haha. at last. for more than 4 month i keep my hair long. finally, i cut it.
reasons i cut my hair :
1. my mom keep nagging about my long hair
2. my hair keep bugging me
3. had a hard time to keep it clean n neat
4. didn't satisfy with my hairstyle
so i dont have the time to write. the story that i want to share is about my journey with my beloved friends. SMSR friends. i really wanna talk about it, but i cant right now.
maybe tomorrow i'll write about it. here. take a look at this vid. you may can guess what sort of thing that i gonna write after this. ok jane!
wait, before i end this. i want you all to know that i finally cut my hair! WootWoot! haha. at last. for more than 4 month i keep my hair long. finally, i cut it.
reasons i cut my hair :
1. my mom keep nagging about my long hair
2. my hair keep bugging me
3. had a hard time to keep it clean n neat
4. didn't satisfy with my hairstyle

as a kid, everybody must have their own wish list. and yeah. it's surely include me. when i was a kid. i'm the type that doesn't have much interest in things or gadgets or etc etc.
there's only 3 things that i wanted the most in my life. wanna know? 1st! i want my own computer so that i wont arguing with my brother n sisters about who gonna use it.
2nd! new phone so that i wont have to face any problems such as cannot search the line or whatever that makes me wanna throw it away to the wall. n maybe so at last i can show off to my friends (my childhood way of thinking)
and 3rd! i want my own car. so i wont have to swear or condemn anybody for picking me up late at somewhere if i ask them too.
yeah. all the list in my wish list was finally ticked. n i supposed to say that I'm one of the happiest guy in the world. thanks Allah for giving me such pleasure. Alhamdulillah. and thanks abah n mama for lending me some cash when i don't have enough money to pay.
that's all maybe. jane! wait! oh yeah. i forgot. i want to introduce to you my new bestie. even tho it is not the real one. but i'll show you their twins.

there's only 3 things that i wanted the most in my life. wanna know? 1st! i want my own computer so that i wont arguing with my brother n sisters about who gonna use it.
2nd! new phone so that i wont have to face any problems such as cannot search the line or whatever that makes me wanna throw it away to the wall. n maybe so at last i can show off to my friends (my childhood way of thinking)
and 3rd! i want my own car. so i wont have to swear or condemn anybody for picking me up late at somewhere if i ask them too.
yeah. all the list in my wish list was finally ticked. n i supposed to say that I'm one of the happiest guy in the world. thanks Allah for giving me such pleasure. Alhamdulillah. and thanks abah n mama for lending me some cash when i don't have enough money to pay.
that's all maybe. jane! wait! oh yeah. i forgot. i want to introduce to you my new bestie. even tho it is not the real one. but i'll show you their twins.

(his name is Thousand Oro)

(this one is DualCrimson)

(and the 3rd one, i called him Trafalgar)
'Statistically speaking, super-duper achievers are very much in the minority and many people do bloom and reach their full potential much later on in life.'
'And to parents, remember too that the best we can do for our children is to be alongside them at this stage of their life. For there will come a time when we reach a crossroad and they will have to go their own way.'
'And to parents, remember too that the best we can do for our children is to be alongside them at this stage of their life. For there will come a time when we reach a crossroad and they will have to go their own way.'
The Star
okeh. i already predict this kind of things would happen to me. hmm. i got 3A+, 3A and 3B+. hahah. yeah i know. spm is not everything.
but if we scored in spm we will have bigger opportunity to continue our studies at a better place. haha. idk what will i do now.
btw. thanks Allah. i know. you save me for the best afterwards. and i trust you. many things had happen to me.
and when each of that things happen, i realize how much you love me that you always gave me what i want. and how many times you try to test me but in the end you still help me to succeed.
each time when you're trying to test me before, i always ask myself why do you keep treating me like you didn't even like me. but when time goes by, i learn that every single things you done to me is just for my own good.
forgives me o Allah. after this, i swear, i'll never thing or talk bad things about you like that again. insyallah. as your slave, i have no right to think like that.
i hope o Allah, that you'll gave me a brighter future than i expected. so that i can support my family and 'deen' someday. aamiin. jane. :)
but if we scored in spm we will have bigger opportunity to continue our studies at a better place. haha. idk what will i do now.
btw. thanks Allah. i know. you save me for the best afterwards. and i trust you. many things had happen to me.
and when each of that things happen, i realize how much you love me that you always gave me what i want. and how many times you try to test me but in the end you still help me to succeed.
each time when you're trying to test me before, i always ask myself why do you keep treating me like you didn't even like me. but when time goes by, i learn that every single things you done to me is just for my own good.
forgives me o Allah. after this, i swear, i'll never thing or talk bad things about you like that again. insyallah. as your slave, i have no right to think like that.
i hope o Allah, that you'll gave me a brighter future than i expected. so that i can support my family and 'deen' someday. aamiin. jane. :)

oh no. oh no. oh no. its coming. its finally coming. for all these years i've been waiting. at last. it nearly come. oh god. i'm so frighten and anxious. what will happen to me if something bad shows up afterward?
who? when? what the hell are you saying about? who's coming?
oh you. what date is today? 17 march right? it almost 21 march. and on 21 march spm results will be officially released, all over Malaysia! and its include my result as well.
oh. chill babe. i'm sure you'll do great.
you said that because you and i are the same person. -.- anyway. yeah. i really felt scared right now. i donno what will be the risk if i get bad result for my spm to achieve my dreams. hmm.
o Allah. i hope you'll accept my prayer. i hope you'll gives me straight A if that is the best for me. aamiin. i trust Allah. if you're a muslim, you should, i mean must too.
i want to be a doctor. an eye specialist. just saying. :) jane
who? when? what the hell are you saying about? who's coming?
oh you. what date is today? 17 march right? it almost 21 march. and on 21 march spm results will be officially released, all over Malaysia! and its include my result as well.
oh. chill babe. i'm sure you'll do great.
you said that because you and i are the same person. -.- anyway. yeah. i really felt scared right now. i donno what will be the risk if i get bad result for my spm to achieve my dreams. hmm.
o Allah. i hope you'll accept my prayer. i hope you'll gives me straight A if that is the best for me. aamiin. i trust Allah. if you're a muslim, you should, i mean must too.
i want to be a doctor. an eye specialist. just saying. :) jane

the day i got my driving license from my driving teacher. i show it proudly to my mom saying that at last i got my license.
i told my mom that dad promise me to gives his car to me. his rexton. my mom suddenly keep her words from spilling out. her face shows that she was thinking about something.

"i think you should ask your dad to buy you a 2nd hand car and just sell the rexton if your father didn't want to use it again, dear arief. maybe wira or saga."
"and why is that. you didn't like the fact that i'm gonna use that big car. you worry to much mom"
"not that what i meant. if you use a car like saga or wira, you wouldn't get any problem to get use driving a car. rexton is too big for a beginner driver. and i dont think that you will get ease by driving a car as big as rexton"
"naa. i reject that opinion mom. i have my reason why i accepted that rexton when dad told me that he gonna gave it to me"
"n what is that?"
"its not because i'll drive a big car so i can show off to my friends. it is because dad told me that he want to give his rexton because of some reasons."
"he told me that when i was a child. back then, when we have a Mercedes parked in our porch. i told him that i really like that car because we can open the upper part of the car."
"so he said that rexton can also do the same thing. then he continue his words. he said that its been more than 8 years rexton brought him everywhere to find his source of sustenance. and he really gets a great fortune."
"he said he was hoping if i use rexton, i'll found the same great source of sustenance just like him so i can live my life wealthy and always happy."
"oh okay. suit yourself arief. i was just giving my opinion. :)"
haa. the conclusion is. i really want to use rexton not because i want to show off to everyone that i'm using a big car.
but i want to show them rexton proves that my father loves me, care about me. and the most important is. he always think about me and my future.
thanks dad. even tho you dont know how to show it. i know. you really loves your family. and i really appreciate it dad. truly, from one of your son. jane~
i told my mom that dad promise me to gives his car to me. his rexton. my mom suddenly keep her words from spilling out. her face shows that she was thinking about something.

"i think you should ask your dad to buy you a 2nd hand car and just sell the rexton if your father didn't want to use it again, dear arief. maybe wira or saga."
"and why is that. you didn't like the fact that i'm gonna use that big car. you worry to much mom"
"not that what i meant. if you use a car like saga or wira, you wouldn't get any problem to get use driving a car. rexton is too big for a beginner driver. and i dont think that you will get ease by driving a car as big as rexton"
"naa. i reject that opinion mom. i have my reason why i accepted that rexton when dad told me that he gonna gave it to me"
"n what is that?"
"its not because i'll drive a big car so i can show off to my friends. it is because dad told me that he want to give his rexton because of some reasons."
"he told me that when i was a child. back then, when we have a Mercedes parked in our porch. i told him that i really like that car because we can open the upper part of the car."
"so he said that rexton can also do the same thing. then he continue his words. he said that its been more than 8 years rexton brought him everywhere to find his source of sustenance. and he really gets a great fortune."
"he said he was hoping if i use rexton, i'll found the same great source of sustenance just like him so i can live my life wealthy and always happy."
"oh okay. suit yourself arief. i was just giving my opinion. :)"
haa. the conclusion is. i really want to use rexton not because i want to show off to everyone that i'm using a big car.
but i want to show them rexton proves that my father loves me, care about me. and the most important is. he always think about me and my future.
thanks dad. even tho you dont know how to show it. i know. you really loves your family. and i really appreciate it dad. truly, from one of your son. jane~
p/s : some of the scene did not really happen
Sabda Nabi S.A.W :
“Janganlah mencabut uban kerana uban adalah cahaya pada hari kiamat nanti. Siapa saja yang beruban dalam Islam walaupun sehelai, maka dengan uban itu akan dicatat baginya satu kebaikan, dengan uban itu akan dihapuskan satu kesalahan, juga dengannya akan ditinggikan satu darjat.”
(HR. Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya)

look at this boy, his name is hitsugaya toshirou and he's one of the character in bleach manga.
even tho he's only a kid, he got a lot of uban on his head and he didn't feel ashamed. he also didn't give a damn if someone condemn about his hair.
if this boy can survive in the world with a lot of uban. why can't us? why do we sebok2 nk cabut uban? haha. jane. :D
“Janganlah mencabut uban kerana uban adalah cahaya pada hari kiamat nanti. Siapa saja yang beruban dalam Islam walaupun sehelai, maka dengan uban itu akan dicatat baginya satu kebaikan, dengan uban itu akan dihapuskan satu kesalahan, juga dengannya akan ditinggikan satu darjat.”
(HR. Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya)

look at this boy, his name is hitsugaya toshirou and he's one of the character in bleach manga.
even tho he's only a kid, he got a lot of uban on his head and he didn't feel ashamed. he also didn't give a damn if someone condemn about his hair.
if this boy can survive in the world with a lot of uban. why can't us? why do we sebok2 nk cabut uban? haha. jane. :D
currently i dont hv any interest to updating my blog. i dont know why. so dont ask.
but no worries. if i had something to tell or something to write or something that i think i must tell the world, i will post it.
n after that, i will surely inform you guys. even tho i'm not sure whether this place hv a faithful reader or not. haha. thanks for reading my blog. till next time. jane. :)
and oh yeah. it's march already. and this means results will coming up soon ! oh Allah. please make them be great. amin.
but no worries. if i had something to tell or something to write or something that i think i must tell the world, i will post it.
n after that, i will surely inform you guys. even tho i'm not sure whether this place hv a faithful reader or not. haha. thanks for reading my blog. till next time. jane. :)
and oh yeah. it's march already. and this means results will coming up soon ! oh Allah. please make them be great. amin.

3 june 1994, a boy was fated to be born on that day. his beloved parents named him Ariff hoping that someday their son will rule the world with his intelligence and will be skills-full in anything .

10++ years later. his parents wish seems like coming true. many things that arif had been through. laughter, sadness, and enjoyment. he met many person in his life. and saw many girls in his eyes.
when he reach 16, he started to play rugby. and yeah. his parents wish coming true again. even tho he only play it in awhile, he already mastered all the skills to play rugby.
when we play rugby, he always give a try and score. every guy on earth jealous on his talent. and he will reply to them, "sape suruh tak star! wakakkaka"

in high school, many young girls fall in love with him because of his macho-ness. kalah justin bieber. almost everyday, someone will send him a gift.
but only one girl that successfully catch his heart. the one and only. ****. arif will be mad at me if i wrote her name. seriously. nnti dia kate, "delete do".

btw, this is rasyid. he's not gay. but he really likes arep. i don't know why. sorry for the grammar error. jane. :)

10++ years later. his parents wish seems like coming true. many things that arif had been through. laughter, sadness, and enjoyment. he met many person in his life. and saw many girls in his eyes.
when he reach 16, he started to play rugby. and yeah. his parents wish coming true again. even tho he only play it in awhile, he already mastered all the skills to play rugby.
when we play rugby, he always give a try and score. every guy on earth jealous on his talent. and he will reply to them, "sape suruh tak star! wakakkaka"

in high school, many young girls fall in love with him because of his macho-ness. kalah justin bieber. almost everyday, someone will send him a gift.
but only one girl that successfully catch his heart. the one and only. ****. arif will be mad at me if i wrote her name. seriously. nnti dia kate, "delete do".

btw, this is rasyid. he's not gay. but he really likes arep. i don't know why. sorry for the grammar error. jane. :)

warning :
ini ialah post meluahkan perasaan. so saya akan tules dalam dwibahase. sbb dwibahase akan membuatkan sy lebeh selesa melemparkan segala idea yang ade dalam otak ini. n if you read closely to the title, you can tell that this post is rated : too offensive. so sesape yg terase. padan muke hang! sape makan cili die terase pedas. ade syeikh cakap (lupe name die) jadikan yg baik tauladan dan jadikan buruk pengajaran. same goes to this post okeh!firstly read the sentences i wrote in this picture. what with the vulgar word? do i feel mad at someone? yes i do! i feel really mad back then. and why? here goes. i'm gonna tell you da story clean and clear.
15 february 2012, i had my first driving test. cikgu aku sehari sebelum test ade cakap kat aku. "arief nak soklan senang ke susah?" "ade lain2 soklan ke?" "mestilaa ade. tpi kalo nk soklan senang kene bersertakan 'angpow'. arief faham tak?" "hmm. macam faham. bukan ayah da cakap pasal ni ke dulu?" "yelaa ayah nk igtkan arief" "rasenye macam tknk. takot tak berkat." "ok. ayah tak pakse. kamu tawakal eh kat Allah"
btw, i called him 'ayah' because dia n isteri dia penah jage aku time kecik2. so, unofficially diorang family angkat aku.
tibanya hari test driving. Alhamdulillah. dalam track aku lulus. so why do i mad? time jalan raye lak something wrong. ok. name aku kene panggil. aku pegi amek borang. then aku tggu kat kete yg org tu cakap.
tggu punye tggu. ade acik cott(pekerja situ) suruh aku tggu dalam. aku masok lah. enjin da sedia ada start. aku tggu laa acik jpj. die masok. muke macam bekas gengster. aku bagi salam. then die cakap kat aku.
"memandangkan enjin dah start. sy akan anggap awak dah start kan dulu." "wth? die mmg dah start sendiri lah" "kenape kamu tk tutup?" "mane saye tahu kene tutup. acik cott tu kate tggu diam2 kat dalam neh" pastu die pangkah satu box paleng atas skali kat borang tuh depan aku.
die suruh start. aku ngan bengang yg amat tapi terpakse bersabar memulekan perkara2 yg perlu dibuat. dah habes cek sume, die suruh jalan. aku jalan. smpai kat pintu pagar, ade line puteh. aku berhenti.tarik handbreak, free gear. itu yg cikgu aku ajar. cikgu aku cakap lagi. kene kedepan kan sikit kete. supaya nmpk jelas.
aku buat. lepas tkde kete aku teros jalan. pstu acik tu suruh aku berhenti tepi jalan. n die kate "adek Gagal Serta Merta" "wtf!? kenape? ape salah sy? baru start kot!" "kamu tak tarik handbreak kali ke2" "cikgu sy tk ajar cmtu pon. cikgu kate skali jek." "cikgu kamu salah. kamu keluar. biar sy bawak"
time nk tukar tmpat duduk tu aku mencarut perlahan. malangnye die dgr. "kenape kamu nk maki2 saye? kamu pk sy saje2 nk gagal kan kamu? saya adil blablabla" tu je aku dgr. aku malas nk pndg die.
smpi kat cott tu balek. time nk keluar kereta aku ckap "terima kasih banyak2 yaa TUAN sbb byk membantu"
aku dengan mood yg amat menakutkan kanak2 kecil, straight jmpe cikgu aku n tanye aku salah ke. die jawab, "hahahah! ayah da cakap. diorang ni HANTU. pk duet je. senanye nk tarik handbreak kali ke2 ok tak tarik pon ok. asalkan kamu da tarik sebelom line puteh."
"tpi die cakap die adil bagai?" "arief, pencuri mane nk ngaku die jahat? tkyah cakap laa. polis, tentera, kastam, jpj. sume golongan tuh men rasuah. yes not all. but most!"
"so cane ngan sy?" "kuase kat tgn diorang rief. ayah tak leh buat ppe. bile die tahu kamu anak org kaye, die akan teros target kamu. igt tak yg ayah tanye nk bayar tak an? tu arahan diorang. kalo ayah tak b tau ayah yg akan kene sbb diorang atas ayah. akak kamu pon senanye ayah ade b tau pasal neh gak. sbb tu die gagal gak kali pertama. tpi kamu jgn rsau. selalunye die tkkan kene kan org lebeh 2 kali."
mule2 aku mmg teros mencarut di dalam hati. tk tahan sgt. duet mak bapak aku kot. kau pk snang diorang crik duet halal? diorang bertungkus-lumus carik duet n aku habeskan cmtu jek.
ramai org kate, "kau boleh laa. anak org kaye. ulang bape kali pon boleh."
senang kau cakap? dulu diorang tggl kat kg laa der. kg yg smpi tandas kat luar nun jauh dekat tgh padang. bapak aku dulu tolong nenek aku jual goreng pisang. n aku skang habeskan cmtu jek duet yg diorang susah2 dapat?
aku memohon kepada mu ya Allah. jauhilah aku dan keluargaku drpd dengki dan penindasan manusia terhadap kami. aminn. n yeah. i realize that this post full with colors. n for that i'm sorry. n sorry for all the bad words i wrote. :)
i dont know why but most of my facebook default picture always ft with my mom. is that a bad thing?
no of course. its my mom, so who cares? here i'm gonna share with you, all the photo inside the album picture in my facebook. and what i mean is all the pictures of mine with my mom.
i know. it seems legit. but again, who cares? look closely to my hairstyle in each of the photo. n if you want to, tell me which style suit me the best.
thanks guys! :)

no of course. its my mom, so who cares? here i'm gonna share with you, all the photo inside the album picture in my facebook. and what i mean is all the pictures of mine with my mom.
i know. it seems legit. but again, who cares? look closely to my hairstyle in each of the photo. n if you want to, tell me which style suit me the best.
thanks guys! :)

oh hye miss. are you asking me for a date on the valentine's day? aww. how cute. but on the second thought, not. haha. sorry. but my time are occupied for someone i already love.

5th february 2012 or 12 rabiulawal 1433 is my prophet birthday. yeah Muhamad bin Abdullah. we muslims are told too celebrate this day with worshiping to Allah and selawat to his messenger.
and yeah. Rasulullah never told us to celebrate his birthday but we are told to do this for showing our love towards him.
and this is also are needed to make the youngster knows better about their prophet. lets selawat everybody! Allahuma soli ala' saidina Muhammad, wa ala alihi saidina Muhammad. :)

5th february 2012 or 12 rabiulawal 1433 is my prophet birthday. yeah Muhamad bin Abdullah. we muslims are told too celebrate this day with worshiping to Allah and selawat to his messenger.
and yeah. Rasulullah never told us to celebrate his birthday but we are told to do this for showing our love towards him.
and this is also are needed to make the youngster knows better about their prophet. lets selawat everybody! Allahuma soli ala' saidina Muhammad, wa ala alihi saidina Muhammad. :)

nk kongsi cerita. cerita ape? cerita hantu. huwaa. ni copy paste dari facebook ye. harap maklum. btw, hello feb! hope you'll be fabulous.
hal Ini adalah amat menakutkan, serupa dengan kes Ms Canny Ong. Pada suatu hari, terdapat seorang wanita yang berhenti di stesen minyak untuk mengisi minyak. Setelah selesai memenuhkan tangki minyak selepas membayar menggunakan kad kredit di pam dan ingin meninggalkan stesen tersebut, atendan di dalam kedai lantas bercakap menerusi speaker dan memberitahu sesuatu yang berlaku dengan kad itu dan meminta wanita itu masuk ke dalam untuk membayar tunai.

Wanita itu keliru kerana dia telah selesai mengisi minyak dan pembayaran menggunakan kad kredit telah diluluskan. Dia menunjukkan isyarat tangan kepada atendan tersebut dan bersiap sedia untuk meninggalkan tetapi atendan tersebut sekali lagi menggesa wanita tersebut masuk ke dalam kaunter kedai untuk membayar tunai.
Dengan perasaan sedikit marah, wanita itu terus masuk ke dalam kedai dan mempertikaikan tindakan petugas tersebut dan menuduh dia menipu. Atendan tersebut memberitahu supaya wanita itu bertenang dan mendengar dengan teliti Atendan memberitahu ketika wanita tersebut sedang mengisi minyak, dia telah melihat seorang lelaki telah masuk ke dlm kereta dan bersembunyi dikerusi belakang .
Dengan segera beliau telah menghubungi pihak polis. Wanita tersebut terus menjadi takut dan segera melihat pintu keretanya terbuka dan lelaki itu telah menyusup keluar dan meninggalkan kereta itu dengan tergesa-gesa.
Kes baru-baru ini didapati mempunyai kaitan dengan ujian untuk permulaan geng jenayah terbaru dimana memerlukan seseorang untuk membawa balik bahagian badan seorang wanita..
Salah satu cara yang mereka lakukan adalah dengan merangkak perlahan-lahan dan menyusup masuk ke dalam kereta wanita manakala sasaran utamanya adalah stesen minyak atau di kedai runcit pada waktu malam. Kemudian, mereka akan potong kaki / buku lali mangsa menculik mereka dan kemudiannya membunuh dan mencerai-beraikan mereka.
Kaedah lain adalah dengan memaksa wanita itu masuk ke dalam kereta kemudian menculik mereka, Sila sebarkan ini kepada wanita lain, orang muda dan tua.
Pertama, wanita seharusnya lebih berhati-hati apabila ingin masuk ke dalam kereta pada waktu malam.
Kedua, Jangan letakkan kereta di tempat sunyi atau terpencil semata-mata ingin mendapatkan tempat letak kereta percuma!
Ketiga, Jika boleh, elakkan memandu seorang diri pada waktu malam! Ini adalah situasi sebenar! Penculikan! Pembunuhan! Putus dan anggota badan dicerai-ceraikan! Ini semua berlaku di Malaysia !
Jadikan amalan :
1. Pastikan kereta berkunci setiap masa walaupun anda meninggalkan kereta sebentar.
2. Periksa sekeliling kereta sebelum masuk ke dalam kereta.
3. Sentiasa peka terhadap sebarang tanda-tanda pelik dari persekitaran anda dan individu lain di dalam sekitar umum, terutama pada waktu malam
n daripada aku - jgn igt kalo laki tk kene. kalo ade gay menyusup masok kete kau then jual kau. naye. naseb bek jual. kalo bende len. >.<
hal Ini adalah amat menakutkan, serupa dengan kes Ms Canny Ong. Pada suatu hari, terdapat seorang wanita yang berhenti di stesen minyak untuk mengisi minyak. Setelah selesai memenuhkan tangki minyak selepas membayar menggunakan kad kredit di pam dan ingin meninggalkan stesen tersebut, atendan di dalam kedai lantas bercakap menerusi speaker dan memberitahu sesuatu yang berlaku dengan kad itu dan meminta wanita itu masuk ke dalam untuk membayar tunai.

Wanita itu keliru kerana dia telah selesai mengisi minyak dan pembayaran menggunakan kad kredit telah diluluskan. Dia menunjukkan isyarat tangan kepada atendan tersebut dan bersiap sedia untuk meninggalkan tetapi atendan tersebut sekali lagi menggesa wanita tersebut masuk ke dalam kaunter kedai untuk membayar tunai.
Dengan perasaan sedikit marah, wanita itu terus masuk ke dalam kedai dan mempertikaikan tindakan petugas tersebut dan menuduh dia menipu. Atendan tersebut memberitahu supaya wanita itu bertenang dan mendengar dengan teliti Atendan memberitahu ketika wanita tersebut sedang mengisi minyak, dia telah melihat seorang lelaki telah masuk ke dlm kereta dan bersembunyi dikerusi belakang .
Dengan segera beliau telah menghubungi pihak polis. Wanita tersebut terus menjadi takut dan segera melihat pintu keretanya terbuka dan lelaki itu telah menyusup keluar dan meninggalkan kereta itu dengan tergesa-gesa.
Kes baru-baru ini didapati mempunyai kaitan dengan ujian untuk permulaan geng jenayah terbaru dimana memerlukan seseorang untuk membawa balik bahagian badan seorang wanita..
Salah satu cara yang mereka lakukan adalah dengan merangkak perlahan-lahan dan menyusup masuk ke dalam kereta wanita manakala sasaran utamanya adalah stesen minyak atau di kedai runcit pada waktu malam. Kemudian, mereka akan potong kaki / buku lali mangsa menculik mereka dan kemudiannya membunuh dan mencerai-beraikan mereka.
Kaedah lain adalah dengan memaksa wanita itu masuk ke dalam kereta kemudian menculik mereka, Sila sebarkan ini kepada wanita lain, orang muda dan tua.
Pertama, wanita seharusnya lebih berhati-hati apabila ingin masuk ke dalam kereta pada waktu malam.
Kedua, Jangan letakkan kereta di tempat sunyi atau terpencil semata-mata ingin mendapatkan tempat letak kereta percuma!
Ketiga, Jika boleh, elakkan memandu seorang diri pada waktu malam! Ini adalah situasi sebenar! Penculikan! Pembunuhan! Putus dan anggota badan dicerai-ceraikan! Ini semua berlaku di Malaysia !
Jadikan amalan :
1. Pastikan kereta berkunci setiap masa walaupun anda meninggalkan kereta sebentar.
2. Periksa sekeliling kereta sebelum masuk ke dalam kereta.
3. Sentiasa peka terhadap sebarang tanda-tanda pelik dari persekitaran anda dan individu lain di dalam sekitar umum, terutama pada waktu malam
n daripada aku - jgn igt kalo laki tk kene. kalo ade gay menyusup masok kete kau then jual kau. naye. naseb bek jual. kalo bende len. >.<

dulu. time tu luqmanul hakim nk g mengembara (tk silap laa) ngan anak die. time tu die ade seekor keldai je (tk silap laa) untuk dijadikan kenderaan.
"wahai anak, kamu naiklah keldai ini. ayah tarik." anaknya pun patuh kpd arahan bapa nye. pstu time die lalu kat satu bandar. ade org ckp kat belakang. "ape punye anak suruh ayah die yg tue tu tarikkan. x perikemanusiaan lgsg. tk malu ke?"
setelah mendengar kutukan itu. anknye mempelawa ayahnya pula yg tunggang. "tk pe laa ayah. ayah laa pulak naek. saya tarik" setibanya mereka ke satu lagi bandar. ade org ckp kat belakng, "ape punye bapak. suruh any die yg maseh kecik tarik kan. terok betol dera anak."
setelah mendengar perbualan tu luqmanul hakim turun dan kedua-dua nya menarik keldai itu dan teruskan berjalan menggunakan kaki mereka sendiri.
setibanya di suatu bandar lagi. ade org ckp kat belakang. "ape punye orang. dasar kufur nikmat. ade keldai taknk naek. tuhan kasi kemudahan tknk gune. puii laa."
dan luqmanul hakim pon berkata kepada anaknya, "wahai anakku yg soleh. igtlah. kite tidak akan dapat menyenangkan hati semua pihak di dunie ini melainkan dengan izin Allah yg maha esa."
changing to english mode

and yeah that's the story. the moral is we cant make everyone satisfied about anything we do. and i know. not everybody is satisfied with me.
so here's the thing. i want everybody that had read this post, please IM or email or message or anything to me about what did you really hate about me.
so with that i can improve myself towards a better me. if you didn't tell me i will never know what's wrong right?
and from deep down of my soul, i'm sorry for all the things that i done makes you hurt inside and outside. and again. i'm sorry.
hye! right now i'm so dead bored and suddenly something pops up inside my head. guess what? huwaa. curios already? that's the thing that i'm gonna share with you all in this post today.
do you know that many people doesn't like me much? and yeah maybe you're one of them. they said that they hate the way i talk, walk, treat people, stalk, look, etc etc.

not only one person. but just like i said. many. and yeah. not everybody hates me? so why? fyi, i treat all people equally and same including my friends and all unknown people.
the way i talk, walk etc etc. it's all the same. so why i asked again. maybe some of you must say, "you sure didn't realize it. you treat people differently. i know. i saw."
hello people. it's my body. and i know what am i doing. i will never treat person differently except for my family and my best friends.
and the only thing that different in the way i treat my friends and my best friends is i likes to hug them often, i will feel comfortable when shares secret with them and i will feel extra ease with them. that's all.
and yeah. all the things that luqmanul hakim taught us is all true. "wait2. who again?" luqmanul hakim. didn't you know him? no? haish. did you want to know what did he taught us? "hell yeah! tell me!"
-.- okay2 i tell yaa. but is it okay? because if i tell you his story this post will become even longer. "who the hell cares?" okay. suite urself. i'll write his story in malay okay. here goes.
oh wait. on the second thought. i'll tell you about him in my next post as the second part. and by doing that, this post will not seen as long old boring article, right?
n mybe smbungan ade kat atas post ni jek. tgk tau! okay, till next post. jane.
do you know that many people doesn't like me much? and yeah maybe you're one of them. they said that they hate the way i talk, walk, treat people, stalk, look, etc etc.

not only one person. but just like i said. many. and yeah. not everybody hates me? so why? fyi, i treat all people equally and same including my friends and all unknown people.
the way i talk, walk etc etc. it's all the same. so why i asked again. maybe some of you must say, "you sure didn't realize it. you treat people differently. i know. i saw."
hello people. it's my body. and i know what am i doing. i will never treat person differently except for my family and my best friends.
and the only thing that different in the way i treat my friends and my best friends is i likes to hug them often, i will feel comfortable when shares secret with them and i will feel extra ease with them. that's all.
and yeah. all the things that luqmanul hakim taught us is all true. "wait2. who again?" luqmanul hakim. didn't you know him? no? haish. did you want to know what did he taught us? "hell yeah! tell me!"
-.- okay2 i tell yaa. but is it okay? because if i tell you his story this post will become even longer. "who the hell cares?" okay. suite urself. i'll write his story in malay okay. here goes.
oh wait. on the second thought. i'll tell you about him in my next post as the second part. and by doing that, this post will not seen as long old boring article, right?
n mybe smbungan ade kat atas post ni jek. tgk tau! okay, till next post. jane.
When America takes 1 million livesin Iraq for oil:
Not Terrorism.
When India kills 5 lakh people in Kashmir , Rapped their women:
Not Terrorism.
When Serbs rape Muslim women in Kosovo/Bosnia:
Not Terrorism.
When Russians kill 200,000 Chechens in
Not Terrorism
When Jews kick out Palestinians and take their land:
Not Terrorism.
When American drones kill entire family in Afghanistan/ Pakistan:
Not Terrorism
When Israel kills 10,000 Lebanese civilians due to 2 missing soldiers:
Not Terrorism
When Muslims retaliate and show you how you treat us:
It seems like the word
"Terrorism" is only
reserved for Muslims.
can anyone tell me what's the true meaning of terrorism?

one day, there's a boy asked me a pretty interesting question. wanna know what did he asked? are you sure? here, i wrote the conversation i had with that boy. but hey. enjoy your reading. :)

"didn't you feel embarrass when you're holding hands or hug your mother in public when you're this big? if you're me, i will feel a big mass of total shame in myself."
"oh. what a nice question you asked. (senyum) do you really wanna know what did i feel when i hold hands with my mom when i take a walk? i feel jannah flowing through my hands."
"and yeah. even tho that's only my imagination. do you want to know when and why did i imagine like that when i hold my mom's hands?"
"hell yeah! tell me!"

so here's the story. three years ago in shams, there's an open day there. and i'm surely participant that event. i saw many people coming in and out. suddenly, i saw something.
i saw few of my don't wanted to meet seniors, they were welcoming their parents at the front gate. and yeah. their staying in hostels. i saw something really miraculous to me.
i saw they're hugging and kissing their parents with so many peoples around. i was really astonished. weren't them the worst, the scariest and the most don't have heart guy i ever met in school? what happen to them? nk ckap rindu baru balek minggu lepas. hmm.
so i asked them the same question to them. weren't they felt embarrassed? then they told me this. ready? go!
"even taiko like us loves our parents and family. even us care about them. try to imagine, what if we didn't have the opportunity to kiss them or hug them again. try to think that that was the last hug that i can give to my parents. my dream is, whenever my mom or dad died, i want to be the imam for their solat jenazah."
"huwaa. can i follow your way and dream seniors?"
"sure. but don't get us wrong. we still the worst and scariest seniors that you had met. now that you want to follow our style you must pay. or else."
"o god the most merciful and the most beneficent, HELP ME!"
and yeah. that's why i didn't care if anyone called me a grownup baby or mom's kid. i will never feel embarrassed when i holding hands with my parents. it is way better than i hold a non-bloodrelative girls hand.
btw, all that i write just now is a total TRUE STORY. you should try too. don't feel shy. it's your parents. who cares if someone condemn you. tapi jangan lebih2 lak smpi parents kite lak malu.
haha. jane. title best an? :)

"didn't you feel embarrass when you're holding hands or hug your mother in public when you're this big? if you're me, i will feel a big mass of total shame in myself."
"oh. what a nice question you asked. (senyum) do you really wanna know what did i feel when i hold hands with my mom when i take a walk? i feel jannah flowing through my hands."
"and yeah. even tho that's only my imagination. do you want to know when and why did i imagine like that when i hold my mom's hands?"
"hell yeah! tell me!"

so here's the story. three years ago in shams, there's an open day there. and i'm surely participant that event. i saw many people coming in and out. suddenly, i saw something.
i saw few of my don't wanted to meet seniors, they were welcoming their parents at the front gate. and yeah. their staying in hostels. i saw something really miraculous to me.
i saw they're hugging and kissing their parents with so many peoples around. i was really astonished. weren't them the worst, the scariest and the most don't have heart guy i ever met in school? what happen to them? nk ckap rindu baru balek minggu lepas. hmm.
so i asked them the same question to them. weren't they felt embarrassed? then they told me this. ready? go!
"even taiko like us loves our parents and family. even us care about them. try to imagine, what if we didn't have the opportunity to kiss them or hug them again. try to think that that was the last hug that i can give to my parents. my dream is, whenever my mom or dad died, i want to be the imam for their solat jenazah."
"huwaa. can i follow your way and dream seniors?"
"sure. but don't get us wrong. we still the worst and scariest seniors that you had met. now that you want to follow our style you must pay. or else."
"o god the most merciful and the most beneficent, HELP ME!"
and yeah. that's why i didn't care if anyone called me a grownup baby or mom's kid. i will never feel embarrassed when i holding hands with my parents. it is way better than i hold a non-bloodrelative girls hand.
btw, all that i write just now is a total TRUE STORY. you should try too. don't feel shy. it's your parents. who cares if someone condemn you. tapi jangan lebih2 lak smpi parents kite lak malu.
haha. jane. title best an? :)

today, a lot of kidnapping activity happen around us. as always, the victim was a kid who went playing at their porch. god. what happen to the world huh? just let the kids play. their just kids you know.
and i thought this thing only happen in malaysia. n i'm totally wrong. watch this.
why we must kidnap somebody to get money and men's satisfaction huh? what's the point a whore selling their body? use them lah. don't have money to rent a whore? go get yourself a job dumb ass.
and i thought this thing only happen in malaysia. n i'm totally wrong. watch this.
post ini di tules dalam bahase melayu sbb malas nk pk ayat english. dan jangan tertipu dengan tajuk nih. post ni berbaurkan Islamik. tajuk ni sje je nk curi perhatian org. tajuk sebenar post nih manusia akhir zaman. wth? islamik? nak keluar? cepat2 tekan button see yaa sekarang! sebelom terlambat! tknk bla? okeh. bce smpi habes tau! post ni pnjg sikit.
okeh. sy di sini nk berkongsi cerita yang tadi sy pergi dgr ceramah ustaz azhar idrus kat masjid senawang. ramai gile. pstu kat situ pon ramai org jual barang, ambil kesempatan laa katekan. ustad ni sumpah dah macam artis. femes gileh.
tadi aku dan kawan aku ade bet. kalo aku buat post pasal Islam mesti sume org bace tajuk je straight bla g tmpt len. so kalo anda berjaya bce smpi habes, leave ur message and tell me that i'm totally wrong!

tdi aku dgr ceramah tajuk die manusia akhir zaman. n aku nk kongsi lah ngan korang. cite die cmni. Rasulullah S.A.W pnah berkate : akhir zaman nanti susah orang nk pegang Islam seperti susah orang nk memegang bara api.
maksud nye? sbgi contoh, zaman skang kene pk macam2. smpi terpakse menduakan antara islam dan kehidupan seharian. sbgi contoh. da pukul 2.30pm. kene amek anak dari sekolah. tpi tak solat zohor lagi. so, kite mesti pk nk amek anak dulu sbb takut jem. tpi tak takut Allah.
tak pham? satu lagi contoh. kite dpat keje. gajim rm2000. tpi org tu kate tak leh pkai tudung. hmm. susah nih. da laa gaji mahal susah nk dapat. aku bukan pndai mane pon. jdi ape kite pilih? anak ramai. susah kan?
Allah buat ini sume sbb ape? sbb di akhir zaman ini Allah nk ukur antara sume hamba die siape yg terbaek dan cube berusaha. spe berusaha Allah tolong. KL. ikot kajian. tempat yg pleng byk maksiat di Malaysia. tpi kat KL jugak lah tmpt paleng byk ceramah agama di buat.
kalo kite pk logik kan. kalo tmpt tu penoh ngan org terok, psti org sekeliling akan terikot-ikot. tpi sbb ade orang yg berusaha utk mengenali Allah, Allah bantu.
Allah suruh perhambakan diri kite kepada nya. berape byk Allah nk? tak byk. 5 waktu jek. berape lame? hmm. lebeh kurang 4-6 minit satu waktu. nk keje, belajar atau bersronok pergilah. Allah tk larang pon. jdi bile kene hukuman jgn kate Allah zalim.
kite pndg sekeliling. ramai tak pakai tudung. kite je pakai tudung. kene ejek. ape class pakai tudung? ape class? di rusia, jepun, US, dan mexico. negara sejuk. negara bukan Islam. negara maju. tpi ramai jek org Islam pakai tudung. style jek. class jek. ni stakat dok ampang. haha. (ustad tu cakap)
kite mmg tak boleh nk elak. mmg ni akhir zaman. ade sheikh cakap, bile kite kejar dunie akhirat akan tercicir. tpi bile kite kejar akhirat dunie pulak akan tercicir. jdi kite kejar yg kekal abadi. yg sementara kite kejar juge. tpi yg tercicir biarlah tercicir. faham? haha.
wah! tahniah! kerana anda dah berjaya habeskan bace. aku tabek kau lah. sumpah. oklah. jane.