okeh. i already predict this kind of things would happen to me. hmm. i got 3A+, 3A and 3B+. hahah. yeah i know. spm is not everything.
but if we scored in spm we will have bigger opportunity to continue our studies at a better place. haha. idk what will i do now.
btw. thanks Allah. i know. you save me for the best afterwards. and i trust you. many things had happen to me.
and when each of that things happen, i realize how much you love me that you always gave me what i want. and how many times you try to test me but in the end you still help me to succeed.
each time when you're trying to test me before, i always ask myself why do you keep treating me like you didn't even like me. but when time goes by, i learn that every single things you done to me is just for my own good.
forgives me o Allah. after this, i swear, i'll never thing or talk bad things about you like that again. insyallah. as your slave, i have no right to think like that.
i hope o Allah, that you'll gave me a brighter future than i expected. so that i can support my family and 'deen' someday. aamiin. jane. :)
but if we scored in spm we will have bigger opportunity to continue our studies at a better place. haha. idk what will i do now.
btw. thanks Allah. i know. you save me for the best afterwards. and i trust you. many things had happen to me.
and when each of that things happen, i realize how much you love me that you always gave me what i want. and how many times you try to test me but in the end you still help me to succeed.
each time when you're trying to test me before, i always ask myself why do you keep treating me like you didn't even like me. but when time goes by, i learn that every single things you done to me is just for my own good.
forgives me o Allah. after this, i swear, i'll never thing or talk bad things about you like that again. insyallah. as your slave, i have no right to think like that.
i hope o Allah, that you'll gave me a brighter future than i expected. so that i can support my family and 'deen' someday. aamiin. jane. :)