This is the stories. it begin when i came to the school at thursday. i said to my class monitor, can i settle the class money now?? than he say, yes you can. so i paid the class money. then i asked him, when the party start?? his answer is at sunday 8.OO AM.
At sunday i came to the school at 8.00am. when i came to school i hear someone reading Al-Quran. but i dont care because it always like that. then i go into my class. there is no people in my class. i thought there were late. so i wait for a while.
at 8.45am (maybe la), i took a walk around the school till 9.oopm. at 9.00, i go back to my class to make sure there is a people in there. but there is no people in that class. i think they were all forgot about the party.
so i called my friend, but no one answer. so i went back to my house. after a while, my friend called me back and told me that the time were change. its not at 8.00 am but 10.00 am. then my friend asked me, do you want to go to the class party? so i said i was soo frustrated. my friend understand my feeling so he told me he will bring some for me.
i'm glad i have a friend like him. at monday he gave me a big slice of cake and a few candy.

but that not make any change. i dont want the food. i want the joy and the fun. oh well, what can i do about that. just keep smiling every time.
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