Wow!! i am totally right.. do you know what i 'right' about?? this is the goodest and worse nightmare ever!!
The first period i was taking with my friend. We talk about school holiday. Dont Wanna school. And other things that make your nerve cell said to the brain to laugh loudly... That is the good part of the nightmare.
Suddenly the worse part of this nightmare came. The teacher msok2 je trus bgi buku latihan. and sruh us to pay. But that not so scary.. after that the other teacher subject came and then.. but wait, this is the totally!! extremely!! SCARY part.. under 4 years old cant read it... You are warned...
i continue on and then. and then.. the teacher came in.. and she said.........
open text book History Chapter 1.. read it and make a note..... what the hell?? just read and make note?? are she sure??
hahaha... anyway.. my first day school is not soo bad after all.. k la.. thats all for today... jane~
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