Observation For March

Many things happen... cant tell all the things.. ok... this is the things what had happen to me.. and i will make an elaboration for each of it..

1. I'm being condemn by Mama Nori
2. I'm be the main topic of Gossip
3. I'm involve in a fight with some seniors (other school)
4. I have a nice time with my friends
5. I have a worst day of my life
6. I have a case to solve
7. Maybe that's all

1.I'm Being Condemn By Mama Nori
it always happen.. soo i don't give a damn..

2.I'm Be The Main Topic Of Gossip

you know girls.. they like to gossip about people especially guy's.. and now they target me as the main topic.. how do i know this? my friend told me... not 1 but 3.. do you know what are they talking about?? they said that i couple with someone brilliant, high intelligence and top class in shams and that girl not suite me... because i'm learning in a last class, worst class, imbecile, stupid and many more.. i dont care and i dont want to know.. if it's gossip it always be wrong..

3.I'm Involve In A Fight With Some Seniors(other school)

That time my friend and i were going to a stall to buy 'ice blended'. the stall near to sheikh ahmad school.. so while we waiting for The ice blended ready to serve.. we have chat in each other.. and my friend 'terlepas cakap'.. he said 'Keling Ar Ko Ni!!' loudly and the nearest keling hear it and came.. and he said blablabla and he blablabla.. then he know that he is out of number so he summon his macha2 gang... after their gang came.. we said to them.. 'if you want to eat our 'sandwich' step ahead.. when all of them make a move, my friend said to the macha2.. 'hey guys.. sorry about my friend attitude.. i know you all have a nice heart right..' and then the qutbah started.. mle la dier mentarbiah org... malas la nak cte ape lps tu...

4.I have A Nice Time With My Friends

Not soo special laa~ just hanging around together.. and while waiting for azan solat jumaat berkomandang we decided to buy some cendol...

5.I Have The Worst Day Of My Life

Don't want to tell about it.. because it is 18SG..

6.I Have A Case To Solve

This Case Is About my teacher being condemn from a person, we call him 'ghe'.. he is from 2 ikram.. this is the story.. my teacher bring her student(2ikram) to the bilik tayang to hear a music.. she intend to make her class more interesting.. then ghe said, 'why do we have to hear a music.. why dont you give us hear surah yasin?' soo teacher started to 'terase'.. then she said 'fine.. i can accept that..' then end of the classes... some bitch told teacher that ghe 'maki, caci, hina' teacher.. soo teacher was too mad and said to herself.. 'from now on, i will 'pulaukan' him'... soo my buddies and i want to ask ghe is it true.. if it's true, we are ready to 'functioning' him.. but he has 'saksi' that ghe doesn't 'maki' teacher... soo we continued our searching for clues... we target the Real Type Of Bitch. sHe's in a same class with ghe... and she is 'rapat' with teacher... suddenly when we want to 'soal siasat' the bitch.. our ustazah da Msok Klas... So we draft the case for a while...

k la.. thats all for today.. hope can write again.. jane~~


Musica said...

There's a lot u can improve on ur writing. make sure the subject verb agreement is correct n thats ur main weakness. go for that first.

Izyan Izzaty said...

hahah! u know, please dn delete this blog, coz one day when u are a bit older, at least like ur brother, u might want to look back, n smile at ur own life. n writing, of course..

nice effort on writing. keep it up!