24th December

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its maybe not the end of the world.. but it is the frightfulness, anxious, non-doodle to accept the failure, non-deadpan face and maybe happy day for form3 student from all over Malaysia...

it is the day that PMR result are reveal.. the day that judge your face for the entire day.. or month.. or maybe year.. is it a happy face? is it a sad face? or is it happy face with tears?

nobody knows until that day come..

and i'm not excluded.. right now i'm worried.. why are you worried?? i'm worried because....

(pmr its not a game.. but for me.. maybe.. :P)

i don't know what to say if the tv3 reporter or other tv station reporter come to see me and interview me.. and i will totally shy if my face was on tv.. :)

what? if my sister can be in newspaper because of her result.. so can i.. and maybe even better.. :P you'll see.. ~__~

k la~ what eva~ see yaa again~ jane~ :) pray for my success ok!? thank you very much! >_<