"who's that?"

"2011 special delivery!"

"omg! i didn't ask for that"

"no no. you must take it. it's free. we got a call we deliver. that's our policy"

"oh damn you delivery man"

"who cares i'm damned?"

oh hye everybody~ just ignore the boring conversation. oh okay! this would be my last post in 2010. haha. ahh~ 2010. many things happen. n i grew up with it. there's good, great, bad, horrible and worse things happen to me this year.

who cares? i'm still alive right? so be grateful with that. as for my blog tradition.

"whoa whoa. hold on. what tradition?"

oh sorry. to my new readers : when a year is coming to an end, i will tell my readers the best thing happen in my life in that year. and i'll label it as 'Replay'. so if you want to know the best thing happen in my past years. you can click the replay label.

so the best memory award goes tooooooooooooooo~


when i live in smsr. the end.

ah~ when will i get sick again? it's been awhile you know for me to get sick. to have flu or fever. o great one Allah. do you mad at me? if you are. i'm terribly sorry for all my mistakes. just don't take all your test from me.

i'm afraid. if i didn't get any obstacle from you. how can i show my love to you? please o Allah. please let me sick even for once. or at least a headache? but don't give me something that i cant afford okay. :)


this is nothing to do with schools. i didn't ask for a fever because i want more holiday! i'm serious! okayy~ oh. talk about school. today is 30th December. school is coming! and i didn't finished my homework! owh nooo!

oklah, jane!

nampak nyer semua harimau kat malaysia ni da kenyak sbb dapat makan garuda. best kot! woah! malaysia dah maju weh. tahniah laa. tak sangke. tsk2. malaysia dah besar sekarang. T___T sejuk tangan aku jage dia selame nih.

anyway. nk bergembira jangan lebih2 ok. igt tuhan gak. sedang saye menunggu sumtin yg sedang di download. (bukan bahan-bahan kebiruan ye!) saye surf laa internet nk jenguk2 gambar pemain malaysia. kalo kite tgk pon. WOAH! gaya diorang pon da macam pemain antarabangse kot! haha.

(hah! nganga besar lagi!)

(woah! giler la kau!)

(da menang laa pakcik. -.-)

(kalo aku ade lagi nmpk Antarabangsa)

fuhh. gile laa mereka. siyes macam pemain professional weh. kalah pemain chelsea. haha! atau. ini sekadar edit semate-mate? utk menipu mata-mata yg melihat nye macam yg telah dilakukan oleh sek rembau? haha. REAL kot ni!

time awal2 game kabot je indon nak tiru malaysia men laser. tapi tkde effect pon! indon nye laser kualiti rendah. len kali kalo nk main laser beli kat malaysia. murah dan berkualiti. haha!

tgk penyokong malaysia. sempoi jek. ape laa men laser. adek aku men laser ade la!

apahal ade logo rtm tu? APAHAL!? haha. semua penduduk malaysia sptt nyer berterima kasih kat rtm1 tau. aku tau. korg mane penah bukak tv 1. ni pon sbb terpakse an? haha! apepe hal. rtm tetap unggul~ haha! ok lah. (bajet star hah gmbar bawah nih. haha!)


today. i went to the seremban city to have my contact lens prepared! n then. like always. doing my daily routine surfing the internet for what's hot n what's not. and suddenly i found something interesting. a greenhorn singer.

i don't know whether his new in music industry or not. but i just wanna say that. his voice was a total gay. his sound like a girl. seriously. when ...

"whoa whoa whoa. wait a sec. who the hell are you talking about?"

Greyson Michael Chance Pictures, Images and Photos

oh sorry. i'm talking about Greyson Chance. weird name huh? do you know him? who's he? why i dont know about him? seriously. he sounds like a girl. like a gay to be precise. n his hair. just like Justin Bieber. so yeah. he must be a gay.

but to be honest. his song was awesome tho. right now i'm listening to 'waiting outside the lines' i knda love it.

(out of topic)

btw, today she's happy. so i'm happy. n i'm still waiting. :) this has nothing to do with that gay kid. -.- ok lah. jane.
warning : kalau tgk title. mesti sume org tau an. post ini berbaur islamic. i really hope that you all read this. please. i'm beg. :)

hye. oh. just ignore me. i'm just doing my routine. SURFING THE INTERET!! (sambil kau bace ayat yg caps lock tu kau bayangkan lagu yg menggerunkan) ah! i found something good. here. lets share this link.

Islam Itu Bukan Hanya di Sekolah Agama | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam

click it n read it! you'll never regret. it's about a girl want to blablabla. i dont have time to write the synopsis. so i just wrote 'blablabla'. hope you didn't feel disgust.

kalau kite bace tittle pon mesti da tahu cite ni tntg ape an? haa~ for your information. in case you all forgot. my previous school is sekolah agama. every single person in Malaysia must have thought that alllllllllll 'sekola agama' pupil is saint n virgin. (virgin maybe of course) n selama saye maseh di sekolah itu, saye pon berfikir begitu.

the truth is. we, the pupil of sekolah agama, always think that we are right. we know all about islam. the haram n halal. so we can do base by our knowledge. i know. if sombody from sekolah agama reading this. they must say, 'hoi jazlee! aku tk pernah pikir macam tu!'

i realize this after i'm out from that school. they always think what they do is right n pahala. walhal bende tu berdosa. n they know. jadi diorang nk cover dose diorang, they'll make excuse base by their knowldge about Islam.

example 1.1 : (why 1.1? who cares? XD)
situasi - pasangan kapel yg bersekolah di sekolah agama. di suatu tmpt yg kuraang org. (bygkan laa lake garden. sng sikit) bf ternmpk kotoran yg terlekat di bahu gf dia. jadi. ape lagi? sbgi bf yg sejati. mesti laa tolong bersihkan.

gf : eh! tk leh sentoh laa bby. dosa taw~ (dgn suare yg manje + menggoda + seducing)(bayangkan sendiri)
bf : eh takpe. kan ni berlapek syg. (dgn suare yg agak macho)

btw. this situation doesn't related with anybody whether his alive or R.I.P . ade 3 dose disini. suare, sentoh n zina. so let me explain.

- mmg suare seorang wanita bukan aurat. tapi ia menjadi aurat apabila dia boleh menaikkan nafsu syahwat seorang lelaki.

- betol gak kate laki tu. berlapek tkpe kan. jadi saye menyarankan semua lelaki Islam memegang dada or punggung seorang wanita yg anda kehendaki. tapi dgn syarat mesti berlapek. faham? tak? ok. bersentoh kulit yg bukan mahram adalah dosa tak kire dimana sentuhan itu berlaku. di tgn, kepala, kaki, dan len2. faham? tak? padan muke. (jgn betol2 buat lak -.-)

- mmg mgkin mereka tidak berbuat ape2. mereka tk ehem-ehem pon. so bukan zina lah. ok. betol gak. tapi. dalam firman Allah. 'la takrabul zina' maksud nye jangan DEKATI zina. bukan jangan BERzina. da dok kat tmpt yg kurang manusia. tk ke sng keje setan nk buat korg ehem2?

ok i admit. pasal hubungan antara laki dan perempuan. aku pon tk sempurna. tapi sekurang-kurang nye. berpade-pade la skit.

n satu lagi paleng aku panas sekali. time aku surfing2 internet sprti biase. aku ternampak sorg budak perempuan nih. dia sekolah agame. mmg dari pndgn aku budak ni mgkin sosial kat luar. sbb dia kawan aku. so aku mungkin tau laa. tapi tk tersangke aku. dia terlebeh soSIAL. tau tak. dia freehair woo kalo jalan jaoh dari seremban. so aku layan laa gmbar2 freehair die. (oh~ i'm sinful)

kalo budak skola biase aku boleh terima lagi laa. sbb skola diorang tk terapkan sgt pon pasal agame. cume harapkan subjek agama jela. ni tak. ni budak sekolah AGAMAA! ape nih.

nk je aku cakap. baek kau tk yah g sekolah agame! aku tk ksah laa kalo tk pakai tudung laboh. tapi nih! tak pakai lgsg! pastu ade tu aku ade nmpk budak sekolah agame perempuan sinsing lengan baju dia! tau laa panas. neraka lagi panas tau?

oklah. tuje kot. da pnjg lebar haa aku tules. beffore i end this. i dont want any of you spam me with comments 'KAU TAU TAK!? SEMUA MANUSIA TAK SEMPURNA! TAK SEMUA PEREMPUAN MACAM YG KAU CAKAP TU!'. because if you wrote that. i will read it while imagine nada suare yang menakotkan. i'm too scared. >___<

tak sempurna? dalam firman Allah. 'Allah telah menciptakan kita sebaik-baik umat'. btw, tahniah ye sbb da berjaye bace habes. :) ok lah. jane!
okay. everyday is a boring day for me. for sure. my part-time job this holiday is eat, sleep, play games, surfing the web, facebooking, skyping and sleep again. fuhh. i'm such a workaholic.

okay. what's with the title? ahh~ just for fun. so don't worry. i'm still sane. btw, that's my name. in case if anyone doesn't know and wanna know me. haa~


i'm sorry. i'm bored right now.
-.- i'm sooo cant understand why there's soo many people want to apply sains rembau for their school next year. it's soo weird. seriously. diorang tk bace ke post aku yg sblm nih?

look for yourself. ni baru sikit nih.

pastu ade budak risau dia kene buang. kene buang senyap2 jela. bersyukurlah sbb kene buang. mungkin ade hikmah.

tapi yg paleng aku dengki nih. follower blog sek ni bertambah byk sejak result keluar. serius. kalau nk bandingkan. blog aku lagi lawa. haha! XD

sejak kebelakangan ni. kenape aku asyik dengki ngaan sek ni hah? haha. entah lah. maybe, i just dont want those pure innocent kid feels all the worse and grotesque things that they never ever imagine.

haha. jane!
the truth behind SMSR pictures. the dark secret that everyone kept to make SMSR names good is revealed. by me of course! i'm sorry SMSR. i can kept this dark secret anymore. are you all ready? so the 'revealing' is begin!

upsr result da kluar. pmr result esok keluar. jadi ibu bapa yg prihatin terhadap kejayaan anak mereka pasti akan meng'apply' anak mereka ke Sekolah Berasrama Penoh (SBP) cari2 kat internet. jumpa plak SMSR. (tnk tules name pnjg, nnti ade org racist)

tgk pencapaian sekolah tu. bagos. nombor 7 dalam sbp. pastu tgk laa pulak gambar-gambar dia. fikiran ibu bapa zaman sekarang, ''kalau bagos tapi facility n persekitaran nk bleajar terok buat ape an?'' maklum laa. ibu bapa zaman 20-an la katekan.

so, cari laa gambar-gambar SMSR kat google. jumpa laa satu dua. ''waa. cantik betol sekolah ni. tenang je tgk. besar. padang lawa. sekolah pon tak sampai satu tahun. pelajar-pealajar diorang pon nampak displin. time belajar mesti fokus diorang tu. alim je masing-masing. :)''

padahal semua nya tipu belaka. semuanya edit semata-mata. semuanya lakonan macam biasa. lihatlah kebenaran.. jeng jeng jeng!

(pemandangan terindah)

(gadoh pasal bola)

(pukul sampai mati)


(melacuri diri XD)

(curi bendera kat dewan)

(fly prep)


tentang pemandangan yg cantik belaka tu. bukti edit nye disini. jangan terkejot!

but for your information. i'm grateful to be send here, Rembau. seriously. i know you all think that i'm freak, crazy or something like that. but i'm serious. there's a part in SMSR makes my lifes good. that's why.

ok lah. maybe thats all. but before i'm end this. i just want to say. sesape yg gambar mereka kene curi tanpa diberitahu. harap maaf. n kepada sesiapa yg betol2 hati SMSR sampai nk banned or benci saya kerana buat post ni. harap maaf juga. i'm doing this just to make everybody smile. and this is my blog. so who cares?

and to those who really 'lurus bendol' level hyper, harap tak yah sebar-sebarkan sangat. sebab kebanyakan nye mane ade betol. macam gadoh, fly dan len-len. oklah. JANE!
i'm suddenly addicted to this band.(tittle) their song was freaking AWESOME! i will spend my remaining holiday with their songs. for sure. my fav is 'time'. ahh~ i'm on cloud9. their song makes me feel floating and comfortable.

talk about holiday. i'll start ticking my attendance in class on 3/1. waa~ i dont wanna go school! i want to have holiday always. i dont care what everybody said or think. i just wanna be home. so i can at least feel happy.

i dont want the pressure that school supply for me. i hate it. please somebody. i'm beg. help me. da la 10/1 ade test. baru masok sekolah kot!

anyway. jane!
lately, i kinda like poems and try to make one or two. :)

What are you doing the rest of your life?
North and south and east and west of your life?
I have only one request of your life --
that you spend it all with me.

All the seasons and the times of your days,
All the nickels and the dimes of your days;
Let the reasons and the rhymes of your days
all begin and end with me.

I want to see your face in every kind of light,
In fields of dawn, and forests of the night;
And when you stand before the candles on a cake,
Oh, let me be the one to hear the silent wish you make.

Through all of my life,
Summer, winter, spring and fall of my life,
All I ever will recall of my life
is all of my life,
with you

and i know you reading this
that's all it takes
to have the strength
to make you awake

i want you. jane
'a man that can think positive is a man that can achieve glory'

i always wish that i had a pair of wings so i could fly into the sky and witnessing every single thing that had happen on the earth and let the wind flow through my arms so i can always feels good and excited because of that.

hence i can release all my problem and negative thinking away from me. forever. and permanently. i just wish to be always happy. with my friends and family :]


wth? on 10th january i had my first exam! baru masok sekolah kot! ergh~ what is happening to the world? it's all about exam-exam-exam. is there anything else that we can do? PEOPLE!? green house? remember?

cara kita belajar sekarang ni teramatlah salah. ni semua gara-gara orang kafir nk kita ikot diorang. belajar-pekse. belajar-pekse. pekse-belajar. tula~

'Al-ilmu bilal amal, kasyajarah bilal thamar' (lebih kurang laa) maksud nyer. ilmu tanpa amal, bagai pohon tanpe buah. and they know that islam amat menggalakkan umatnya menuntut ilmu sampai mati untuk senang kita beramal di dunie ni..

jadi kalau diorang 'cipta' pekse. kita hanya belajar time nak pekse je. and sbb nilah juga wujud nye peringkat master, ijazah or phD. sbb bila org da smpai peringkat phD, orang tu mesti pikir yang dia da tak yah belajar dah. padahal kite kene sentiasa menuntut ilmu. haa~ pndai tak pndai orang yahudi nih?

kita sepatutnya mengamalkan cara, belajar-amali. belajar-amali. belajar-amali. barulah kita sentiasa belajar n seronok melakukan nyer. siapa tak seronok belajar tajuk HEAT dalam physics pastu lpas belajar bole men masak-masak? :D sape tak seronok lpas belajar chemist kene buat bom? haa~

itu laa yang patut kerajaan malaysia buat. tapi apa kan daya? Malaysia kan. Saidina Othman Affan pernah berkata, ''dulu ketika aku bercakap, seorang pon tidak mahu mendengar. ketika aku memberi pendapat, semua orang menolak. tapi setelah aku menjadi seorang khalifah, 2/3 dunia tunduk pada arahan ku''

anyway. Stop Exam Save Trees! jane!
if you doesn't have the strength too stand alone.. too overcome the obstacle.. too kept your tears from falling.. too stay in happy ending.

i lend you mine. so don't worry. :) you doesn't need to cry out loud.. you doesn't need to stay behind.. you doesn't need to be alone.. because i'm here. waiting for you to realize that i am exist in your life.

and for your information, i'm still waiting. :)


bahaha! didn't they look alike? huh? do you think their attitude is the same as their face? i hope i can meet this kid. so i can laugh out loud when i see him. i like shin-chan tho.

ahh~ the time.


this little twerp also has a blog you know? so who said that blogging is for gay? this kid couldn't be a gay. he's too young. i never seen underage gay. do you? but i think that pink elephant is gay. haa~

haha! ahh~ time's travel too fast. world change into a different place with a high velocity. that's all for today.

Dont call me
Ill just hang up
Dont talk to me
Ignoring you wont be enough
Cant believe you would
Be like that

Cant trust you
With my secrets
Youd tell them to
The world
Cant tell you anything
Youre not a best friend
Your not
A true friend
Find someone else
To go hang out
All you are
Is a backstabbing

It hurts to be accused
of something you didn't do,
It is like a kick in the head,
Yet you wouldn't understand.

You kick me while I'm down,
Then you have the nerve to ask me why I wear a frown.
You point the finger,
but you are slow to understand
that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.
i suppose to trust,
only my semesra friends.

and some of my trusted friend too tho! :) jane.


school's break almost at its end. form 5 topics are hunting the 16 years old kid. SPM is coming. the toddlers become matured. future is about to reveal itself.

i don't want to be an adult. don't know why. we'll just end up dead anyway.


i want you. seriously :)
3 yrs old:"Mummy, I love you"

10 yrs old:"Mum! you ruin my reputation!"

16 yrs old:"Mum, you're annoying! i'm not kid okay!?"

18 yrs old:"i dont want to see you."

25 yrs old:"Mum, you were right."

30 yrs old:"I'm sorry mum"

40 yrs old:"I dont wanna lose you Mum! i'm really sorry"

53 yrs old:"I would give up EVERYTHING ...for my Mum to be here with me again"

surely, positively n absolutely that's not me. i'm a good son okay! i just found this in someones wall in Facebook. and i feel this thing is kinda interesting. so the moral is.

''sesal dulu berpendapatan, sesal kemudian tak berguna lagi.''

betolkan? saya tak pndai sangat peribahasa2 nih. haha! jane!
(dia ni tgh tgk benda pelik kot! -.-)

ok kawan-kawan! jgn bukak internet sbb nk tgk benda pelik tau! byk lagi kebaikan yg boleh dibuat. bukan seronok pon tgk benda2 pelik nih. siyes. -.- haha!

ok! jane!
i hope you'll read this from A to Z okay!?

sometimes bila melayari facebook dan weblog member, aku rasa hairan melihat sesetengah facebook dan weblog perempuan yang bertudung dan yang menutup aurat; mereka tidak segan silu pula untuk memaparkan gambar masing-masing.

Tiadalah terlalu salah untuk memaparkan gambar anda wahai muslimah sekalian, yang salahnya aurat anda semua terbuka luas khas untuk tontonan umum. anda semua yakin ke aurat anda tertutup secara smpurna?

Tidaklah tujuan saya mengaibkan kalian. Saya adalah rakan anda yang enggan melihat wajah-wajah itu dipaparkan sewenang-wenangnya kepada orang. ingatlah jika seorang lelaki melihat gambar anda dan berase ghairah dia mendapat satu dosa, tetapi anda mendapat dua dosa. satu dosa kerana aurat tidak ditutup secara sempurna dan kedua kerana anda membuat orang lain berdosa.


dunia internet semakin berkembang maju. Satu hari mungkin berjuta-juta orang yang melihatnya.Dikalangan mereka, ada yang bagus; yang menundukkan pandangan selaras firman Allah dalam Surah An-Nur yang bermaksud:

"Katakanlah (Wahai Muhammad) kepada orang-orang lelaki Yang beriman supaya mereka menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka. Yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah amat mendalam pengetahuan-Nya tentang apa Yang mereka kerjakan."


seindah-indah perhiasan ialah wanita yang solehah. part mane yang anda semua tak paham bahawa aurat wanita ialah seluruh anggota badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan? sesungguhnya aurat mu ialah makhota mu. jagalah makhota mu daripada cengkaman orang lain.

oh wanita~ THE END

waa~ macam berpuisi hah aku! well, not bad right? oklah.. jane! btw, enjoy the vid. speech given by Tuan Guru Nik Aziz!