When i was bored

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Dont call me
Ill just hang up
Dont talk to me
Ignoring you wont be enough
Cant believe you would
Be like that

Cant trust you
With my secrets
Youd tell them to
The world
Cant tell you anything
Youre not a best friend
Your not
A true friend
Find someone else
To go hang out
All you are
Is a backstabbing

It hurts to be accused
of something you didn't do,
It is like a kick in the head,
Yet you wouldn't understand.

You kick me while I'm down,
Then you have the nerve to ask me why I wear a frown.
You point the finger,
but you are slow to understand
that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.
i suppose to trust,
only my semesra friends.

and some of my trusted friend too tho! :) jane.