tomorrow i must report in to Rembau.. sigh~ rembau.. fag fag fag...

triple fag there.. -____-
and that's mean.. i'm bored.. can somebody please help me? hello! anyone? everyone? huh..

so, i tried to study.. and this is the result.. i finished study chemistry, math mode, bi and maybe bm..

that's all.. huh.. its so hard, you know.. and yeah.. i tried to memorize history.. but i surely cant.. dont know why..

my brain said, ''i hate history subject.. and i dont want to save history files in my memory..''

huh.. so.. what should i do now?
yeah.. i went to shams just now.. i'm intend to take back my.. ermm... i mean.. my sister camera back.. n guess what's the result?

i doesn't get it back yet.. why? hmm.. how i'm gonna tell this huh? first.. the camera was at some teacher called ustaz zaini.. he was the one who take it in the first place..

(Just For View)

and then the camera is given to some teacher called cikgu yaakob.. and after that the camera was pass to some HEM called ustazah asmah..

and when i want to reach her.. she's not available to be meet.. she was in the meeting room.. so i cant entered the room to meet her..

what a life.. miserable right? membazir peluh je pusing stu sekolah smpai sakit kaki.. -______- maybe i'm fated to be like this.. T_______T

anyway, this is life.. we cant change it.. life must go on right? looks like i'm starting to nagging.. so.. i'll stop here... ok lah.. jane!
i need to study! why? because monthly test is waiting for me after this holiday! but.. ergh.. why it's so difficult to hold, open and read the text book huh?

when i heard a word that related to 'study'.. my whole body will shaking.. showing that they dislike books that full with words.. sigh~

huh.. its mean that i need to force myself lah to get flying colours for my result.. oh well.. that's the only way that i can do.. or else...

if i get bad result.. i will be humiliate in front of the entire school.. of course i don't want that to happen to me.. hmm~

ok lah.. i will try to study hard starting tomorrow! wish me luck! ok lah! jane!
I Gotta Feeling.. That Tonight Is Gonna Be A Good Night..

That Tonight Is Gonna Be A Good Good Night~ WoHoo~

for now my lucky number would be number 17.. don't know why.. so don't ask! haha! can't forget about the number owner.. -_____-

the owner of number 17 face is still wandering in my mind.. sigh~ oh well.. jane! (coughing)

(regrets doesn't bring us anywhere)

my head is spinning, my throat's hurts, and i'm still fevering.. what a week.. is this the payment for holiday?

(gay guy)

whatever.. oh~ one more thing.. i'm become darker.. mwahaha! spooky~ -______-

right now i'm playing
Final Fantasy Vii.. so what? ok lah.. jane!
Woah~ it's been a while right? haha!

at last! i'm home now! owh~ feels good sleeping on your own bed.. ahh~

so, i'm a semesraian now.. i got many friends there.. don't know what to say.. owh yeah.. i catch cold last night.. n i'm still sick right now..

fuhh.. 3 things in my mind right now.. first of all.. of course la about holiday right! haaha! yeah! i get 9 days for holiday! wohoo!

second, after holiday i will have a monthly test.. owh men!

and third! i need to head back to shams to get my camera back! hmm.. talking about shams.. really miss them..

ok.. thats all for my report! thanx for reading! and jane!
ergh.. what a day.. is this my last day in shams? wooh.. i hate today.. know why?

yeah, one of the reason is i cant be with my friends anymore.. but there is another huge things that made my day became grotesque..

here's the story, (the number shows the things that i hate today)

today.. early in the morning (in the assembly).. as always we need to hear the headmaster speech.. and it is one of the compulsion to the innocent pupil just like me.. (1)

fuhh.. ko tk rasa lagi dengar speech dier.. bole bawa maut~ XD

and after the headmaster finished, the Penolong Kanan interrupt. she says 'harap sume ketua pelajar dan guru2 beri kerjasama untuk melakukan spot check!' and i felt anxious hearing that because my sister camera was in my bag.

then one of my friends said.. 'ko rilek aje.. mesti la dier paham bdak form4 last day' and ok lah.. rilek

when i got back to my class.. i quickly check my bag off.. do you know what's the result? WTF! that's the result. (2)

they take my sister camera away.. damn that 'Ketua Pelajar'! then i asked my KP friends and asked them..

who's the one checking my classroom? and my friend said.. 'girl kp' pfft! girl~ sounds like a bitch to me!

then i search the 'guru displin' around the school.. and i cant find him.. da tawaf satu sekolah 37x nie.. tak jumpe2.. -______- (3)

then i met one of the 'Guru Displin' who really cared about my family and asked him.. bla bla bla.. and he said.. the 'guru displin' that i searched for was not in the school.. What the heck? da berpeloh2 pusing stu sekolah..

(sebenar nyer panjang lgi cte dier.. nk ctee cne aku nk dapatkan balek camera tu.. tpi kte carry on jela)

then the time flow normally.. until sivik time is up.. aku tk tau ape masalah cikgu tu.. asyik targget aku ja.. aku tk gelak dier kte aku gelak.. aku tak main2 dier kte aku main2.. pstu... mcam2 la..

yeah.. i got a really bad 'last day' in shams.. and the worse is.. i doesn't get the opportunity to take my batch piture.. T______T

the conclusion is.. i gonna postpone that tales i mentioned before.. so, jane! :)

sorry for the grammar and the language!