i doesn't get it back yet.. why? hmm.. how i'm gonna tell this huh? first.. the camera was at some teacher called ustaz zaini.. he was the one who take it in the first place..

(Just For View)
and then the camera is given to some teacher called cikgu yaakob.. and after that the camera was pass to some HEM called ustazah asmah..
and when i want to reach her.. she's not available to be meet.. she was in the meeting room.. so i cant entered the room to meet her..
what a life.. miserable right? membazir peluh je pusing stu sekolah smpai sakit kaki.. -______- maybe i'm fated to be like this.. T_______T
anyway, this is life.. we cant change it.. life must go on right? looks like i'm starting to nagging.. so.. i'll stop here... ok lah.. jane!
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