i Want To Cut My Hair~ Lalala~ but what style should i cut? hmm..
i Want To Cut My Hair~ Lalala~ but what style should i cut? hmm..
hmm.. tomorrow i must go back to the hell.. oh i mean semesra.. sigh~ what a pain in the ass.. why should i go back there!?
hey jazlee! give me reasons why do you hate semesra so much?
hmm.. i have only one reason!
(dari sini akan bahasa yg digunakan ialah bahasa rojak kerana ini bole dikatakan luahan hati)
fyi, the school is fine.. ni bkan mengumpat ok! tpi.. there's a teacher.. this teacher an.. bahaha! perangai dier.. fulamak! mmg.. mmg.. mmg.. tk dapat digambarkan la..

dier ni skekan perfection tau.. tu aku tk ksah sgt la.. tpi.. cara dier mengajar.. i cant follow it you know.. dier aja da la laju semacam.. lompat2.. da la dier aja subjek yg ssah lak tu..
kalau la kakak aku yg tgh aja.. aku da tanyer macam2 da kat kakak aku tu.. knpe dier cmni.. eh npe tbe2 cmni.. hmm.. tk pham la.. camtu la aku akan tanyer akak aku..
tpi entah ngan dier.. aku tak dpat tanyer.. sbb kple otak aku blank.. smpai aku sendiri pon tak tau ape yg aku tk pham..
aura dier da la terlampau kuat.. remember c.noriah yg penah aku mention in my old post? haa~ aura diorang lebey kurang je cme cikgu ni lebeh hebat aura dier..
aku rse la.. kawan aku pon tk tahan dgn cara dier.. ada la time tu an.. dier tgh bad mood.. bile dier tgh mengajar.. ada la bdak yg bwat dier lgi hot.. semasa dier tgh hot tu, dier sruh kitorang bwat soklan yg ssah yg dier tk trangkan lgi..

tk smpai beberapa minit.. dier pggl nme sruh bwat kat dpan.. nme kawan aku(B) ni kene calit sruh bwat soklan yg ke-2.. kawan(B) dulu kat sek lama Top 5/Top 10 terpandai..
yg aku tk sgke nyer.. dier bkan shje tk leh bwat.. malah tgn dier menggeletar sbb tkut sgt.. aku pon ksian la kat dier n aku tolong la bwat jgak..
aku plak tk prasan yg kawan aku lgi sorg(A) tgh terangkan kat dpan cne nk bwaat soklan number 1.. jdi cikgu tu prasan aku tk tumpu perhatian.. dier pggl nme aku sruh trangkan blek..
aku pon da biul sbb aku tk pham stu pon ape yg kawan(A) aku tules.. pstu ade la kwan aku ni(C) dier kte nk tolong terangkan blek.. so, dier trangkan la blek..
pueh aku dgr dgn teliti.. stu bende tk msok dlam otak aku.. aku ni da la loading skit tntg subjek2 cmnie.. kene kunyah betol2 bru aku bole hadam..

hey jazlee! give me reasons why do you hate semesra so much?
hmm.. i have only one reason!
(dari sini akan bahasa yg digunakan ialah bahasa rojak kerana ini bole dikatakan luahan hati)
fyi, the school is fine.. ni bkan mengumpat ok! tpi.. there's a teacher.. this teacher an.. bahaha! perangai dier.. fulamak! mmg.. mmg.. mmg.. tk dapat digambarkan la..

dier ni skekan perfection tau.. tu aku tk ksah sgt la.. tpi.. cara dier mengajar.. i cant follow it you know.. dier aja da la laju semacam.. lompat2.. da la dier aja subjek yg ssah lak tu..
kalau la kakak aku yg tgh aja.. aku da tanyer macam2 da kat kakak aku tu.. knpe dier cmni.. eh npe tbe2 cmni.. hmm.. tk pham la.. camtu la aku akan tanyer akak aku..
tpi entah ngan dier.. aku tak dpat tanyer.. sbb kple otak aku blank.. smpai aku sendiri pon tak tau ape yg aku tk pham..
aura dier da la terlampau kuat.. remember c.noriah yg penah aku mention in my old post? haa~ aura diorang lebey kurang je cme cikgu ni lebeh hebat aura dier..
aku rse la.. kawan aku pon tk tahan dgn cara dier.. ada la time tu an.. dier tgh bad mood.. bile dier tgh mengajar.. ada la bdak yg bwat dier lgi hot.. semasa dier tgh hot tu, dier sruh kitorang bwat soklan yg ssah yg dier tk trangkan lgi..

tk smpai beberapa minit.. dier pggl nme sruh bwat kat dpan.. nme kawan aku(B) ni kene calit sruh bwat soklan yg ke-2.. kawan(B) dulu kat sek lama Top 5/Top 10 terpandai..
yg aku tk sgke nyer.. dier bkan shje tk leh bwat.. malah tgn dier menggeletar sbb tkut sgt.. aku pon ksian la kat dier n aku tolong la bwat jgak..
aku plak tk prasan yg kawan aku lgi sorg(A) tgh terangkan kat dpan cne nk bwaat soklan number 1.. jdi cikgu tu prasan aku tk tumpu perhatian.. dier pggl nme aku sruh trangkan blek..
aku pon da biul sbb aku tk pham stu pon ape yg kawan(A) aku tules.. pstu ade la kwan aku ni(C) dier kte nk tolong terangkan blek.. so, dier trangkan la blek..
pueh aku dgr dgn teliti.. stu bende tk msok dlam otak aku.. aku ni da la loading skit tntg subjek2 cmnie.. kene kunyah betol2 bru aku bole hadam..
cikgu ni sruh aku trangkan blek.. otak aku still blank.. pstu dier sruh aku ke dpan.. time tu aku tk takut pon.. cme otak aku jam giler.. da la dier sruh aku trangkan bende yg aku tk tau.. pstu dier malukan aku plak tu.. aku mmg jam..
smpai stu shja sketsa nyer.. kalau la sek ade sediakan stiap kelas ade bilik yg kedap bunyi.. aku rse aku la pleng byk kli pgi stu.. nk menjerit..
ade skali uh.. time dier tgh mengajar.. aku g tandas.. aku jerit kat stu.. maki2, sepak pintu tandas (nseb bek tk rosak) & sbgi nyer..
huh~ lega bile da tules kat sini.. to teachers who 'terase'.. i'm sorry ok.. i'm just need to release my tention.. i pray to god hope that 'that' teacher change her way of teaching.. because i dont like it..
and those semesrian who read this.. 'kalau kau barua.. nseb kau akan malang 7 keturunan selagi aku mseh hidup' got it?
oklah.. thanx for reading! and jane! :)
for tomorrow schedule, i'm planning to go to JJ to meet my old buddies! old buddies from shams and ex shams! hope it'll be splendid!
(splendid tu ape? aku main tules je)
oh.. cant wait to see them.. it's been awhile you know.. haha.. ok lah.. till next time! jane!

(splendid tu ape? aku main tules je)
oh.. cant wait to see them.. it's been awhile you know.. haha.. ok lah.. till next time! jane!

(Group Of SEMESRian)
time ni ptt nyer da light's off.. tpi kami yg tak bole tidur ini pegi la jalan2 sambil tangkap gmba.. itula kuasa senior.. bahaha!
kat belakang jurukamera tu sebenar nyer rmai lgi bdak.. anyway.. kami tdak gay! itu penting!
time ni ptt nyer da light's off.. tpi kami yg tak bole tidur ini pegi la jalan2 sambil tangkap gmba.. itula kuasa senior.. bahaha!
kat belakang jurukamera tu sebenar nyer rmai lgi bdak.. anyway.. kami tdak gay! itu penting!
nothing special happen today.. my life's bored.. what did i do today.. hmm let me think for a while..
sleep, watching cartoons, eat, pray, playing video games(psp), surfing the internet for what's hot and what's not, download new songs, sleep and lastly sleep again..
my life's dull right?
oh yeah.. today is my big sister birthday.. so i want to wish her happy birthday.. sweet 18.. hope she'll get a better lifes from now on..
sleep, watching cartoons, eat, pray, playing video games(psp), surfing the internet for what's hot and what's not, download new songs, sleep and lastly sleep again..
my life's dull right?
oh yeah.. today is my big sister birthday.. so i want to wish her happy birthday.. sweet 18.. hope she'll get a better lifes from now on..
i'm going crazy.. with all this worky.. yeah, i'm crazy..
i'm going crazy.. with all this worky.. yeah, i'm crazy..
A young girl sits in a corner, praying her life will change. Not many people care for her, she doesn't like to complain.
She's tried to take her life away, hoping to take away the pain. doesn't matter what she has to display, til she hears that pouring rain.
Her road of life is blurry, her path becomes overtaken. She doesn't like to be in a hurry, only she can't stop shaking
She hates her way of life, but she manages to live.
It doesn't seem right..
She's tried to take her life away, hoping to take away the pain. doesn't matter what she has to display, til she hears that pouring rain.
Her road of life is blurry, her path becomes overtaken. She doesn't like to be in a hurry, only she can't stop shaking
She hates her way of life, but she manages to live.
It doesn't seem right..
fuh~ at last, home sweet home.. back from sains rembau.. there's no better place than my own house.. it's been a month i didn't smell the aroma of my house.. mmg rindu giler la..
fuh~~ (again) memang nikmat betol lah! so, long time no update this blog huh? da berhabuk da ni.. uhuk2.. hmm..
ok ok.. My life's in SEMESRA is quite ok.. sometimes extremely fun.. and sometimes... what ever.. huh~ maybe this is all happen because we're still in 'pengenalan' phase.. oh.. i miss shams..

what about my results? hmm.. for me its quite ok (again).. i got 6A out of nine subject.. (maybe) (sum of A+,A- and plain A) actually there is no A+ exist in my result.. XD haha!
huh.. i almost evolve into a mad evil geniuses guy because of the craziness ways of learning that semesra prepared for me..
sigh.. i should be stay strong.. like my friends said.. 'think positive.. a man that can think positive is a man that can achieve glory..'
something like that la~ ok lah.. thats all.. jane~
fuh~~ (again) memang nikmat betol lah! so, long time no update this blog huh? da berhabuk da ni.. uhuk2.. hmm..
ok ok.. My life's in SEMESRA is quite ok.. sometimes extremely fun.. and sometimes... what ever.. huh~ maybe this is all happen because we're still in 'pengenalan' phase.. oh.. i miss shams..

what about my results? hmm.. for me its quite ok (again).. i got 6A out of nine subject.. (maybe) (sum of A+,A- and plain A) actually there is no A+ exist in my result.. XD haha!
huh.. i almost evolve into a mad evil geniuses guy because of the craziness ways of learning that semesra prepared for me..
sigh.. i should be stay strong.. like my friends said.. 'think positive.. a man that can think positive is a man that can achieve glory..'
something like that la~ ok lah.. thats all.. jane~