fuh~~ (again) memang nikmat betol lah! so, long time no update this blog huh? da berhabuk da ni.. uhuk2.. hmm..
ok ok.. My life's in SEMESRA is quite ok.. sometimes extremely fun.. and sometimes... what ever.. huh~ maybe this is all happen because we're still in 'pengenalan' phase.. oh.. i miss shams..

what about my results? hmm.. for me its quite ok (again).. i got 6A out of nine subject.. (maybe) (sum of A+,A- and plain A) actually there is no A+ exist in my result.. XD haha!
huh.. i almost evolve into a mad evil geniuses guy because of the craziness ways of learning that semesra prepared for me..
sigh.. i should be stay strong.. like my friends said.. 'think positive.. a man that can think positive is a man that can achieve glory..'
something like that la~ ok lah.. thats all.. jane~
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