you know what? i didn't realise that I've been semesrian for 2 month.. wow.. hmm.. my life in semesra is quite ok.. nothing special..
hmm.. on 14Th April i will have my second monthly test.. what the heck! ehem.. huh~ I'm really hate this.. i need to study and study and study to maintain or make my results even better..

huh.. 'mmg stress dok ngan bdak2 pandai'.. anyway.. life's must go on.. ahh yess.. right now I'm wearing contact lens! even thought it's hard to wear it for the first time.. i still love it!
why did i want to wear contact lens?
haha.. actually.. 'dulu2 nk pkai sbb aku dgr girl tu ske bdak yg tk pkai spek.. so ade la hati nk pkai contact.. tpi sbb skang ni dia da ade org len aku tka niat aku pkai contact'..
right now, 'niat saya memakai contact adalah kerana saya ingin main ragbi! nk wakil sekolah ni!'
oh before i forgot.. the teacher that i mention before.. she's become nicer than before.. i dont know why.. -____-
ok lah! jane! :)
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