we had lots of laugh, scream, making noise in the mall, flirt each other, do embarrassing things, eat, bowling, movie and lots and lots of fun things! it's just like the mall is our house for making such a ruckus in there..
soo, i would like to share my journey with my faithful readers of course (if i had one) haha! soo.. enjoy~


(lost part1 - friends!?)


(at last.. tickets!)

(lost part2 - where's the bowling center?)

(searching maps)

(bowling part1 - found it and start play it)

(and it when into the place where it's belong, LONGKANG!)

(surely that's not me)

(end bowling starts shopping)

(and selling)

(i'm a barbie-holic)

(recess time! Que up please, thank you)

(ice lemon tea)

(found a giant tree, yeay!)

(bowling part2 - ending)
and we're went home happily ever after.. the end! yeay! we look just like a happy family right? haha~ ok lah.. hope you enjoy! jane!
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