today. starting this year. in SMSR. everybody's change. no more over hard laugh. no more prank call. no more touching moment. no more late night party. no more sparring. no more.

all left for us is, tension. pressure. serious. and nothing more. we're all grown up. we all start thinking about our future. i miss the ol' time. seriously.

when we laugh together. when we scream together. and when we having fun together. i miss all of that. i wish i can turn back the time.

oh well. one of my friends said that, "dont worry. after spm we do all that kind of things again" but. when?

thats all i guess. jane.

i'm really happy. i dont know why. but i think i nearly seen the heaven.

if you think that i'm weird n noob. you can just shut up and let me live in my own world peacefully okay? thanks!
oh i'm home at last. tsk2. it's been a years since i smell the scent of my home. ahh~ i really feel safe here. from those nasty little things that always bugging my life over and over in SMSR.

so i want to say thanks to all Chinese because of their CNY festivals that gave me opportunity to spend my time at home.

and seriously thanks to the British because they brought the Chinese here. without the british, Chinese will never live in Malaysia. without the Chinese, Malaysia will never celebrate CNY. and without the CNY, i will never have holiday in this month.


okay. i need to go. need to start doing my homework. i have tons of it. if i start later maybe i didn't finish it. so JANE!

so this is my 1st post in 2011. happy new year guys! when new year arrived, school would be next. tomorrow i'll head back to rembau. oh damn. why i must go back to school? why? please tell me.

"eh eh. i thought living in rembau is your best memories."

oh. when i said i miss school or i like school. i doesn't mean the school, the teachers(not all), the work nor the pressure. i mean the fun, the laughter, friends, and experience!

can i ask for more holiday please~ please please please~ Harimau Malaya! menang laa lagi! bole dapat cuti! kalau boleh laa. haha! sorry guys! oh well. sigh~ lifes must go on aye?

(sori sbb curik gambar kau tau!)

"who's this gay?"

oh. this is my classmate. don't be fooled by his face. muke je hensem. tapi hati. hanye Allah je tahu. haha! sorry muin! aku tak berniat.serius.

he's one of my best friend. and dia nak pindah! :(( i'm really gonna miss him. hope. this is his best decision he ever made. i want you to know that you're a great friend Muhamad Muinuddin b. Zakaria. :) i'll never regret having you as may gaymate. haha!

oklah. jane!