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so this is my 1st post in 2011. happy new year guys! when new year arrived, school would be next. tomorrow i'll head back to rembau. oh damn. why i must go back to school? why? please tell me.

"eh eh. i thought living in rembau is your best memories."

oh. when i said i miss school or i like school. i doesn't mean the school, the teachers(not all), the work nor the pressure. i mean the fun, the laughter, friends, and experience!

can i ask for more holiday please~ please please please~ Harimau Malaya! menang laa lagi! bole dapat cuti! kalau boleh laa. haha! sorry guys! oh well. sigh~ lifes must go on aye?

(sori sbb curik gambar kau tau!)

"who's this gay?"

oh. this is my classmate. don't be fooled by his face. muke je hensem. tapi hati. hanye Allah je tahu. haha! sorry muin! aku tak berniat.serius.

he's one of my best friend. and dia nak pindah! :(( i'm really gonna miss him. hope. this is his best decision he ever made. i want you to know that you're a great friend Muhamad Muinuddin b. Zakaria. :) i'll never regret having you as may gaymate. haha!

oklah. jane!