the movie's about a guy named Malcolm Turner and his 17-year-old son, Trent, go undercover at an all-girls performing arts school after Trent witnesses a murder. Posing as Big Momma(malcolm) and Charmaine(trent).

and yeah as you see, i copy and paste the above statement from uncle google. Thank You uncle google! his a good uncle. seriously. they said that uncle google helps thousand of people, searching for information. brilliant isn't it?
right after the movie end, my friends and i decided to take a walk around the JJ to search for something good. SUDDENLY. SUDDENLY. SUDDENLY. i saw the girl that i always talked about. right in front of my eyes. jarak dia tak smpai berape hasta pon. wow! seriously. WOW! the girl of my dream! aww~ (wth? -.-)
at that time. i feel like i saw an angle or maybe a goddess came down to earth from the 7-skies of heaven while playing a violin to bring peace to the world. yeah~ in real life. she's not so small plus cute. like chowder said from cartoon network, 'small in size but big in taste!'
and yeah. i definitely saw an angle. who cares if you said that i'm SS(syok sendiri). like i always said. as long as i'm happy. i don't care. oklah. that's all maybe. see yaa next time! Jane!

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