and yeah. most of the curse has been spoken out by the pupil in Malaysia. including me of course. okay.
about spm. i only got 2 month left before the real deal will come forth and after me. and i dont know whether i'm ready or not for the exam. haihh.
oh i want to share with you something. to me this is interesting and important. read it and amalkan dalam kehidupan ok!
kalau Hilang pen - tak boleh bwat keje skolah
Tak buat keje skolah - tak pandai
Tak pandai - fail SPM
Fail SPM - tak dapat masuk U
Tak dpt Masuk U - takde ijazah
Takde ijazah - tak boleh dpt keje
Tak dapat keje - takde duit
Takde duit - kusut masai
Kusut masai - takde orang suke
Takde org suke - tak boleh kawin
Takleh kawin - takde anak
Takde anak - lonely
Lonely - tertekan
Tertekan - bunuh diri
#WARNING# - Jangan Hilang Pen ! !
oklah. jane! :)
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