okay! today i'm gonna fulfill my other promise to you all, my fellow readers. although if i had one. haish. -.- what kind of promise? eh? aren't you remember? look at the title. still didn't get it?
alright i'll explain. didn't i tell you guys before, that i will write a post about the part of all 200 Episodes that i had read, successfully made me cried.

this guy here is usopp. he is the lamest and the weakest guy or maybe person in the straw hat's party. he has a long nose and curly hair.
even tho he is lame, but he sure can shoot perfectly onto the target. he hold the title sniper as his position in the straw hat crew. why do i introduce this lame guy to you? because the second part is about him. so, here goes the story.

one day, he fought a really strong person. and yeah, far stronger than him. like i said, he is the lamest guy in the straw hat party. so wherever or whenever he came into battle, he always got his ass kicked.
not only shooting that he good at, but he also good in running away from a fight. so if he got his ass kicked, without a second thought he'll run away to save his own life.
but not this time. this time even thought his ass seriously and badly got kicked by his opponent, he still stands up and fight. why? because his opponent laugh at his friend dreams, goals.
and yeah, his friend that had been laughed was luffy. luffy always dream to be a pirate king someday. this shows that usopp really cares about his friends.
what the hell? this is not sad at all. and you cry about it? you're just a cry baby, haha. noob! don't be such a girl. you're a man. a man will not cry about this stupid little thing.
condemn me all you want. it's my feelings. so who cares about what i felt when i'm reading this shit. do you know what did i think after i finished reading?
i remembered an old story of mine. i was only 9 y/o at that time. on that age i want to be a singer. a famous and well-known singer. and of course every boys on my age laughed about it and started to condemn me about that.
with the brain of 9 y/o boy, i wanted to punch their faces. all of them. and yeah, i punched them. and started a fight with them. but they were too many. so they easily kicked my ass back.
suddenly there was a boy standing in front of me and try to protect me. he's one of my friend. he said to them, "it's all your fault. you all laugh at him first. what's the problem to be a singer eh? if you all don't stop this, i'll tell the teachers."
than they all stop and started to went somewhere else. but we were all 9 y/o, so we will accidentally forget about it on the next day. haha. several month later, that friend of mine was died on a car accident. true story.
now do you understand why i cried when i read this part? haha. but it's really an old story. ok lah. that's all maybe. jane.
hohoho, aku dah habis tengok the whole episode dahhhh! :P
peh jaz. setakat yg aku dah tengok ni, belum ada lg yg related ngn aku.
tapi, bagus oh kawan kau tu. :)
dibah. aku dah habes gak laa. :P
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