Speaking about new year, it is time to 'all the student come back to school!!' owh no!! pliz dont think that i am exciting. coz i'm not!! i hate school. three things that i loved about school. Friends and English and Be The Most Popular Guy in school(hohoho). owh, and 'berlakon' too.
And speaking about school. i have started to make my rivision. only math 'for now'. chapter 1 form 1. whole number (??) i guess. it's the simplest topic. but I CANT DO IT!! argh!! even standart 5 pupil can do it. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME!!??
ahh~ forget about it. i dont wanna worry and i dont wanna care. just need to relax~ smile and wave~
smile and wave~ maybe thats all for today. hope can write again. (espeacially next year) k la, jane~~
So i told him la what did i want. then he said through this forest there is a lot of branches. Pick the perfect branch of all back to me. and you will have your answer. but remember, you must not fall back.
i follow jela what he said. (even though i dont understand what did he say) Beberape minit later~ i came back with no branch. the master asked me. 'why didn't you brought a perfect branch for me?'
Then i said, 'in perjalanan, i found one. but i think there is more perfect branch then this. so i leave that branch and go search a better one. then i relized that was the perfect one. i dont brought it here because you say i must never fall back.
That is the answer for your desire. (huh?)(what the hell is he talking about?) that is the meaning of love. (love?) i dont asked you about love (says me). so what did you asked (says that master?) ohh god! i asked you to teach me about detective!
what? i'm not the master of detective, says that master. then who are you??, says me. i'm love guru! ''poof''' (that master face change into that love guru face in the love guru movie) AAAARRRR!!!
then i woke up. wow it just a dream~ what a nightmare~ hahahaha!
this is just for killing some of my time. hahaha~ thats all for today~ jane~

Speaking about ghost. i've met one. That time i was in hostel. One night. i cannot sleep. so i sit up on my bed. i saw something. do you know what did i saw?
I saw my friend cannot sleep either. So i asked her, i mean him. Cannot sleep ya~? and he reply yaa~~ Then i asked her ehh, him again. Wanna go to the Study room (or whatever it call) coz i havent finish my homework yet.
So we go to the study room. off we go! when i was doing my homework. my pen fall down. i took it back and saw i something again.
I saw my friend doesn't have pair of leg. (tdi ada). I quickly look at my friend back. then he said quietly. 'Da Prasan ka, kawan?'. After that i quickly ran away from that guy as fast as i can. suddenly i stop. (coz dont have much stamina).
I feel there is something on my shoulder. i saw a hand on my shoulder. i close my eyes. and he said quietly again.....
'Tak nak bgn lgi ka?' i confused. why the hell is he talking like that? i open my eyes. (situasi berubah) rupe2 nyer my mother try to woke me up. laa~~ make me cuak je la~~ hahahaha~
thats all for today. scary isn't it?? see yaa next time. jane~
p/s : tak penah pon duduk asrama. kecuali ada program.

(time for bicang-bincang)
(take my pic carefull yaa)
and that how the day or the story end. what a happy ending. Dont you think? k la, thats all fer today. Jane~

When the greading exam start, i make too many mistake. Hope i pass. hope so.
huh~ can you pray for me 'hope i pass'. pliz2! maybe thats all for today. jane~
one day, i asked my imaginary friend. Can you give me an idea what things that i gonna write? so it told me write about 'her'. I said to him, it was embarrassing. A few days later, he asked me, why didn't i wrote about 'her'? He kept asking and asking all over again. So i decide to wrote about 'her' now. But Before That..

(Welcome to fairy tail!!)
i you're smart and love anime plus manga you know what kind of anime is this. if you do not know, i said it again, This Is Fairy Tail. So what associated this anime with 'her'?? if you want to know badly, she is in the anime! TADA!! What? don't you get it? what ever la, juz keep reading.
If you don't know who is she,She is 'her' and she is Erza Scalet. She is 17 years old. 158 is her height. And 51 is her weight. Everyone call her 'The Titania'. She is the main, third strongest, and the most beautiful character in fairy tail manga. She like to wearing armour. she wearing her armour almost all the time. Wanna know why she always wearing armour? I will Tell You, But first, Isn't she cute.

Before she joined fairy tail gang or group or whatever. She has a very2 bad past time. She was a slave to the dark government. Working for build a Big building. Function of that building is to reborn a man or whatever. (asalkan ada nyawa) And then the slaves was fired up coz the dark government treat them badly. So they all make a revolt. But after that bla bla bla bla. Not only she but the entire slave being trick by the dearest friend of erza a.k.a the chief of the revolt. And bla bla bla and bla.
(There is she When She Was Fired Up)

(she was soo cute when she cry)
(don't push me) (??)

(Ready For The Date) (hohoho)
maybe that's all for today. i hope there is no guy love erza like i do. if anyone like erza. you gonna deal with me first. hahaha. owh, i almost forgot. The main idea of this journey is from my bro 'musica'. I pick the main idea from his writing about introducing his cat. So thanx bro. And thanx for you guys for reading. Jane~~
i need to write. i really2 need to write!! plis give me an idea!!!
oh yeah,
my brother will be engage soon, emmm, yeah this saturday i guess...
wahh, i am soo proud toward my brother..
he grown up already (mcm mane aku takleh prasan huh??)
and after that he will married~
and that meansss... hehehehe..
he will became 'pakcik' and i will be more younger than he is!!
anyway, i know this is too earlier to speak out loud, but....
Hope You Get A Happy Wedding Day!!
to my big brother and to his future bright the unknown person!!
hahahahahhaha!!! maybe thats all for today, jane~

(This Is Not Mine ok!!)