Speaking about ghost. i've met one. That time i was in hostel. One night. i cannot sleep. so i sit up on my bed. i saw something. do you know what did i saw?
I saw my friend cannot sleep either. So i asked her, i mean him. Cannot sleep ya~? and he reply yaa~~ Then i asked her ehh, him again. Wanna go to the Study room (or whatever it call) coz i havent finish my homework yet.
So we go to the study room. off we go! when i was doing my homework. my pen fall down. i took it back and saw i something again.
I saw my friend doesn't have pair of leg. (tdi ada). I quickly look at my friend back. then he said quietly. 'Da Prasan ka, kawan?'. After that i quickly ran away from that guy as fast as i can. suddenly i stop. (coz dont have much stamina).
I feel there is something on my shoulder. i saw a hand on my shoulder. i close my eyes. and he said quietly again.....
'Tak nak bgn lgi ka?' i confused. why the hell is he talking like that? i open my eyes. (situasi berubah) rupe2 nyer my mother try to woke me up. laa~~ make me cuak je la~~ hahahaha~
thats all for today. scary isn't it?? see yaa next time. jane~
p/s : tak penah pon duduk asrama. kecuali ada program.
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