one day, i asked my imaginary friend. Can you give me an idea what things that i gonna write? so it told me write about 'her'. I said to him, it was embarrassing. A few days later, he asked me, why didn't i wrote about 'her'? He kept asking and asking all over again. So i decide to wrote about 'her' now. But Before That..

(Welcome to fairy tail!!)
i you're smart and love anime plus manga you know what kind of anime is this. if you do not know, i said it again, This Is Fairy Tail. So what associated this anime with 'her'?? if you want to know badly, she is in the anime! TADA!! What? don't you get it? what ever la, juz keep reading.
If you don't know who is she,She is 'her' and she is Erza Scalet. She is 17 years old. 158 is her height. And 51 is her weight. Everyone call her 'The Titania'. She is the main, third strongest, and the most beautiful character in fairy tail manga. She like to wearing armour. she wearing her armour almost all the time. Wanna know why she always wearing armour? I will Tell You, But first, Isn't she cute.

Before she joined fairy tail gang or group or whatever. She has a very2 bad past time. She was a slave to the dark government. Working for build a Big building. Function of that building is to reborn a man or whatever. (asalkan ada nyawa) And then the slaves was fired up coz the dark government treat them badly. So they all make a revolt. But after that bla bla bla bla. Not only she but the entire slave being trick by the dearest friend of erza a.k.a the chief of the revolt. And bla bla bla and bla.
(There is she When She Was Fired Up)

(she was soo cute when she cry)
(don't push me) (??)

(Ready For The Date) (hohoho)
maybe that's all for today. i hope there is no guy love erza like i do. if anyone like erza. you gonna deal with me first. hahaha. owh, i almost forgot. The main idea of this journey is from my bro 'musica'. I pick the main idea from his writing about introducing his cat. So thanx bro. And thanx for you guys for reading. Jane~~
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