huh~ October... i will really miss you.. because many things happen in it... many new and forgetless journey wrote on this month...

such as,

this was the month i used my time really, really carefully before PMR.. ('after' pmr are not included) this was the month that i enter the 'hall of war' and pushed my brain to its limit for the sake of my success..

this was the month that i knew about her existence.. this was the month of my father birthday... and this was the month that i watched my fav movie, Death Note 2 and 3 :P.. (even tho its kinda old movie)

and again.. its a great movie.. :) <3

and many more sweets memory happen in this month.. sigh again... till next time October... hope you will produced a sweet journey again when the next time we meet..

bye-bye October.. i will miss you.. :P k la.. jane for now...

p/s : owh i forget something... this was also the month that i bought a brand new hair straightener at Giant super market.. :P ngee~
as i was not satisfied with my hair straightener.. i tried to used it again today.. hmm... is my hair changed gradually?? u'll be the judges..

(Before n Baru Bgn Tido)

(After n da Mandi But Bju Hmpir Same :P)

Whoah!! who's that gorgeous guy!!?? haha.. kidding.. is it okay? is my hair changed or its just the same? hahaa... kk... jane for now...

(October Is Neared To Its End Already.. T_T waa!! the time ran soo fast man!! i really cant wait to see my pmr result that is full with 'A' :P) hhaahaha!!
hye you... if you're reading this.. this random words is specially invented for u.. hahaa... thanx for the email tho.. :P

i am a guy
born with love from everyone
especially from my parents and sibling
they make me a perfectly, beautiful Heart
as i grew older
a hole appears inside my heart from nowhere
it grew larger every day
by the time i know it
it was the hole of loneliness

i travel around the world
swim at the vast and deadliest sea
climb the highest mountain
just to fill up the hole
a bright light shines before my very eyes

first time i see her
i know she is the one for me
every time i see her
it's feel like in heaven
but every time i think of her
is she the person Allah sent for me?
sent to take me out from my sorrow life?
am i deserve for a gorgeous creature like her?
or just a beast dreams of an angel?
i convince myself that wouldn't happen

if i lost glimpse of her
just for a moment
or maybe even worse
it's feel like the end of the world
like a lion loses its fang
like a crusader loses his armor and sword
like the earth without the trees
like a ship without a captain
my candle of hope suddenly blow out
leaving my spineless self
searching in darkness

that angel
was a savior for my endless misery
was a perfecter for my jazzless journey
that angel
was you

created by : me
why the sky is blue.. i always ask that to my self... sky... its beautiful right? it makes me remind too something or maybe someone.. forget it.. its an old story.. :P

beautiful isn't it? kk.. as always... my work after the pmr exam is ponteng sekolah.. its a hard job though.. :P actually i'm writing this because i really bored right now... dont know what to do... huh~~

owh.. i realize that this days i liked to use this symbol ':P'.. haha.. dont know why.. k la.. jane~
yeah!! for all this year's.. for all the hard work to type and push my brain to make me know what i need to type about... now i reached 100 post.. hahaa.. kk.. thats all.. jane~

yesterday i bought a hair straightener from GIANT.. huhuuu.. even tho my hair is not long enough... who cares? as long as this item can make my hair straight.. i dont care.. :P..

i want this kind of hairstyle badly!! huaa!! hahaa.. now i realise that day by day, my hair become worse... noo!!! my hair damage!! but not so terrible la~ hahaa.. i still had a stylo hairstyle... hahaa.. so dont worry.. :P

so today, after my glorious bath.. :P.. i'm using that thingy.. and the result is... hahaa.. tak menyerlah sgt laa~~ haahaa.. kk.. bye2 for now... jane~

Paranoid -
Jonas Brother

I make the most of all the stress
I try to live without regrets
But Im about to break a sweat
Im freaking out
Its like a poison in my brain
Its like a fog that blurs the scene
Its like a vine you cant untangle
Im freaking out

Everytime I turn around
Something dont feel right
Just might be paranoid
Im avoidin the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I dont know what it is but it just dont fit
Im paranoid

I take the necessary steps
To get some air into my chest
Cant hear the thoughts inside my head
Im still freaking out
Thats why my ex is still my ex
I never trust a word she says
Im runnin all the background checks
And shes freakin out

Everytime I turn around
Somethings just not right
Just might be paranoid
Im avoidin the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I dont know what it is but it just dont fit
Consider me destroyed
Cause I dont know how to act cause I lost my head
I must be paranoid
I never thought it would come to this
Im paranoid

Stuck in a room of staring faces
Caught in a nightmare, cant wake up
If you hear my cry running through her streets
Im about to freak
Come and rescue me

Just might be paranoid, yea
Im avoidin the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I dont know what it is but it just dont fit
Consider me destroyed
I dont know how to act cause I lost my head
I must be paranoid
I never thought it would come to this
Im paranoid

i see her 'onlining' today... hahaa.. i'm so happy bout that... but, what do yaa know... she already likes somebody else who is also my friend n also my competitor....

cursed that guy... hahahaa... juzz kidding... even tho i dont know the truth... but i will hiatus about this..

maybe, till next time, when she change her sense of feeling... huh~ jane~
got a headache right now... dont know why.. is this because i dont go to school? maybe my brain had mad at me... hahaha.. it keep saying 'hye arif! why dont you go too school? u know that a smart and intelligent boy like you must go to school!!' ... hahaha...

its nagging makes my head really hurt... argh!! shut your nerve impulse about nag brain!! please stop nagging!! no kidding.. hurm... i'm temptation for having her as part of my life... huh~~ gotta find out where did she live.. hurm.. gotta hire a spy la.. hahaha..

i'm counting on u spy... my future is on your hand now.. =P k laa... jane...
sigh... i feels kinda falling for someone... hahah... it's been so long for having this kind of feeling... haha.. sort off... the feeling of 'first sight love'... hahahah!!

rite now i'm asking for my best friend to teach me how the effective way too tackle a girl... ^_^ he's kinda a good teacher about that... an expert i would say... (klo nak harap kat my big bro........ just forget it.... hahaha!!!)

it's feels soo lucky because i can saw her even tho for a first time n only for a second... hey girl... if u are reading this... the song in my profile is made up especially for u... hahah.. i told aril to make one jiwang song for me... hahaha!!(fyi, this girl IS NOT from my school kay) (mama, dont mad at me kay... hahaha!!)
wow..... today i really woke up late... i woke up at 10.30am.... hmm~~ today is the second day i had skip my class... luckily my father was not at home... soo it make me easier to skip my class..(fyi.. i had my mom permission to skip class okayy =P).. thats the good thing.. the bad thing... i still dont know what to do today... lol...

i intend to go to the GIANT supermarket... but its too far from my home... it doesnt matter the distance... but the problem is the policeman... they always target a young,handsome,gorgeous guy... ^____^...

owh... the syawal is end already? haha... cannot kutip duit raya anymore... ~_~ waaa!! k la... jane~ waaaa!!!

today is monday.... and the time is 10:26am... do u know wat its mean?? i'm PONTENG today!! yeah... (that's what i called a man! ^_^).. actually its boring when i'm not going to school... why?? because my mom take my thumbdrive thats full with game... arghh!! spoiled!!

Boring laahh... Da tak blaja.. ^_^... nothing to do... do u have any idea for me to fill up my 'empty time'?? if u do, just type 'IDEA', space, write ur ideas then send it to 1300882525... hahaha~ why dont u laugh... i'm making jokes lol...

k laa... i wanna continue my beauty sleep laahh... gud morning~~ wuaahhh (menguap)

(Hitam, BibirTebal, HidungBesar, Comel, Perfect ^_^)

pmr? for 3 years i'm fighting with all my heart (not at all my heart actually) for that moment, for that exam.... and now i already free... freedom at last... never felt this happiness... this freedomness..

while we (shams pmr candidate) pushing our brain to released all its ideas for BAK paper, we heard the sheikh amat (our school neighbor) student shouted 'MERDEKA'... even tho it makes our heart burning... bwt tak ksah jela~ (FYI, i using KBKK while answeing BAK paper!! HAHA!!) just kidding lol~

now my job was wait for my 9A's.. btw, seriously, there is pmr keeper teacher... she was totally beautiful~ haha~ gorgeous i would say... her name is Nor Sharlena.. if i had her picture i will put it...

wat eva la~ apa yang penting!!!??? AKU MERDEKA!! haha... Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan PMR Candidates! my next mission.... continue to Raya!! yeah!!
copyright from....... dunno lol...

Ada sorang tua, nama dia Nenek Ani. Dia terlantar di hospit! al kerana sakit jantung, … .

Keadaannya semakin ari semakin t eruk. Ani dah tak tau apa nak buat lagi. So suatu hari tu dia panggil Pak Din untuk bacakan doa untuk Nenek Ani. Tapi semakin dibaca, semakin teruk sakit orang tua tu. Sampai terketar-ketar dan termengah-​mengah kerana terlalu sakit.

Nenek Ani dalam keadaan tak berdaya tu memberikan isyarat meminta pen dan kertas. Ani memberikan pen dan kertas kepada neneknya. Dengan sisa-sisa tenaga yang ada, Nenek Ani menulis dan memberikan kertas itu kepada Pak Din.

Pak Din menganggap tak baik membaca wasiat di hadapan Nenek Ani sebelum Nenek Ani meninggal. Jadi dia pun masukkan kertas tu ke dalam poketnya. Tak lama kemudian Nenek Ani pun meninggal dunia. Selepas seminggu kematian Nenek Ani, Pak Din pun datang ke rumah Ani, dengan memanggil semua sanak saudara Nenek Ani, tujuannya tak lain dan tak bukan untuk menbaca wasiat dari nenek tersebut

Pak Din pun berucap, menyatakan kesedihannya atas kematian Nenek Ani, dan di akhir ucapan itu Pak Din mengajak Ani dan saudara ! mara membaca wasiat itu bersama-sama, yang antara lain isi itu ialah… … … … .

“Din, … . kau janganlah berdiri di atas wayar oksigen aku tu”