pmr? for 3 years i'm fighting with all my heart (not at all my heart actually) for that moment, for that exam.... and now i already free... freedom at last... never felt this happiness... this freedomness..
while we (shams pmr candidate) pushing our brain to released all its ideas for BAK paper, we heard the sheikh amat (our school neighbor) student shouted 'MERDEKA'... even tho it makes our heart burning... bwt tak ksah jela~ (FYI, i using KBKK while answeing BAK paper!! HAHA!!) just kidding lol~
now my job was wait for my 9A's.. btw, seriously, there is pmr keeper teacher... she was totally beautiful~ haha~ gorgeous i would say... her name is Nor Sharlena.. if i had her picture i will put it...
wat eva la~ apa yang penting!!!??? AKU MERDEKA!! haha... Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan PMR Candidates! my next mission.... continue to Raya!! yeah!!
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