such as,
this was the month i used my time really, really carefully before PMR.. ('after' pmr are not included) this was the month that i enter the 'hall of war' and pushed my brain to its limit for the sake of my success..
this was the month that i knew about her existence.. this was the month of my father birthday... and this was the month that i watched my fav movie, Death Note 2 and 3 :P.. (even tho its kinda old movie)

and again.. its a great movie.. :) <3
and many more sweets memory happen in this month.. sigh again... till next time October... hope you will produced a sweet journey again when the next time we meet..
bye-bye October.. i will miss you.. :P k la.. jane for now...
p/s : owh i forget something... this was also the month that i bought a brand new hair straightener at Giant super market.. :P ngee~
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