today is sunday. as usual i need to head back to rembau on sunday. what a life. is there anything else that i can do to stopping me from going back to rembau? help!?

seriously, i used to love sunday many years ago so much. but now. i really hate it. i dont care if sunday love me or not. i will not change my way of thinking to hate sunday ok. yes. i know. deep inside my heart said that 'i wanna go to school'. but thats doesn't mean i love the school.

this is the list for 'why i want to go to school' :
1. because i want to meet my friends
2. wanna having fun with them
3. nak usha girls kat situ. heheh
4. flirting with teachers that show his or her kindness to me

other than this list is why i hate school. is it normal for me to think that way? but yeah. same goes to last year. i nagging all way round about school when it comes to sunday.

but surely. i still survive. that's what i always say to myself to increase my own motivation to keep living there. oklah. that's all for today. maybe for this month. jane~
eh eh eh. nak tahu tak? tadikan.. saye dan keluarga pergi makan rojak uuu.. shedap sgtt~ menjilat jari laaa bak kate remaje sekarang. kitorang cadang nk makan cendol sekali. al-maklum laa cuace tak menentu. panas lak tu. tapi.. tiba-tiba~ haa.

cendol habis. kami pon sedih. terpakse laa tahan walaupon da mengidam cendol abc. da setahun saye tk makan cendol tau! rindu sgt. dulu sye dan kawan-kawan di shams selalu makan cendol dekat ngan sekolah sblm smayang jumaat. rindu sgt time tu.

tapi kalo makan ngan kawan kene pndai-pndai laa bawak duit. kalau terlebih diminta belanje. oklah tu je kot untuk hari ini. terima kasih kerana sudi mendengar kisah saye ini.


(i have mole! :0)

why the hell am i nagging like an overage women who thinks that she still young but seriously she dont? actually. i'm extremely bored right now and i dont have things to do.

so bye-bye n jane!
oh it's already february! oh my god! the time. why are you running so fast. T_T only 9 month left until i meet the spm. NOOO! please dont. can anybody freeze the time please? anybody?

emm. if you realize, most of my post talked about time. well a good person always thinking about time you know. ^_^ haha.

it's 2 February 2011. it's been a year since i left shams n be the Science Rembau pupil. oh. i really proud of myself because i can survive for a year in rembau. good job Jazlee!

i never thought that i still live and breathing in rembau. well. with all that nag, complain n sewaktu dengannya. i still alive. sigh~

so happy anniversary guys! i really feel grateful and enjoy plus happy having you guys as my friends. thanks for making my life wonderful! i really appreciate it. :) JANE!

2nd Feb. we looked so naive then, standing there gawking alone. but today, as we look around, we see others standing with us, smiling and making ridiculous faces.
credit : -.-