Speaking about new year, it is time to 'all the student come back to school!!' owh no!! pliz dont think that i am exciting. coz i'm not!! i hate school. three things that i loved about school. Friends and English and Be The Most Popular Guy in school(hohoho). owh, and 'berlakon' too.
And speaking about school. i have started to make my rivision. only math 'for now'. chapter 1 form 1. whole number (??) i guess. it's the simplest topic. but I CANT DO IT!! argh!! even standart 5 pupil can do it. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME!!??
ahh~ forget about it. i dont wanna worry and i dont wanna care. just need to relax~ smile and wave~
smile and wave~ maybe thats all for today. hope can write again. (espeacially next year) k la, jane~~
So i told him la what did i want. then he said through this forest there is a lot of branches. Pick the perfect branch of all back to me. and you will have your answer. but remember, you must not fall back.
i follow jela what he said. (even though i dont understand what did he say) Beberape minit later~ i came back with no branch. the master asked me. 'why didn't you brought a perfect branch for me?'
Then i said, 'in perjalanan, i found one. but i think there is more perfect branch then this. so i leave that branch and go search a better one. then i relized that was the perfect one. i dont brought it here because you say i must never fall back.
That is the answer for your desire. (huh?)(what the hell is he talking about?) that is the meaning of love. (love?) i dont asked you about love (says me). so what did you asked (says that master?) ohh god! i asked you to teach me about detective!
what? i'm not the master of detective, says that master. then who are you??, says me. i'm love guru! ''poof''' (that master face change into that love guru face in the love guru movie) AAAARRRR!!!
then i woke up. wow it just a dream~ what a nightmare~ hahahaha!
this is just for killing some of my time. hahaha~ thats all for today~ jane~

Speaking about ghost. i've met one. That time i was in hostel. One night. i cannot sleep. so i sit up on my bed. i saw something. do you know what did i saw?
I saw my friend cannot sleep either. So i asked her, i mean him. Cannot sleep ya~? and he reply yaa~~ Then i asked her ehh, him again. Wanna go to the Study room (or whatever it call) coz i havent finish my homework yet.
So we go to the study room. off we go! when i was doing my homework. my pen fall down. i took it back and saw i something again.
I saw my friend doesn't have pair of leg. (tdi ada). I quickly look at my friend back. then he said quietly. 'Da Prasan ka, kawan?'. After that i quickly ran away from that guy as fast as i can. suddenly i stop. (coz dont have much stamina).
I feel there is something on my shoulder. i saw a hand on my shoulder. i close my eyes. and he said quietly again.....
'Tak nak bgn lgi ka?' i confused. why the hell is he talking like that? i open my eyes. (situasi berubah) rupe2 nyer my mother try to woke me up. laa~~ make me cuak je la~~ hahahaha~
thats all for today. scary isn't it?? see yaa next time. jane~
p/s : tak penah pon duduk asrama. kecuali ada program.

(time for bicang-bincang)
(take my pic carefull yaa)
and that how the day or the story end. what a happy ending. Dont you think? k la, thats all fer today. Jane~

When the greading exam start, i make too many mistake. Hope i pass. hope so.
huh~ can you pray for me 'hope i pass'. pliz2! maybe thats all for today. jane~
one day, i asked my imaginary friend. Can you give me an idea what things that i gonna write? so it told me write about 'her'. I said to him, it was embarrassing. A few days later, he asked me, why didn't i wrote about 'her'? He kept asking and asking all over again. So i decide to wrote about 'her' now. But Before That..

(Welcome to fairy tail!!)
i you're smart and love anime plus manga you know what kind of anime is this. if you do not know, i said it again, This Is Fairy Tail. So what associated this anime with 'her'?? if you want to know badly, she is in the anime! TADA!! What? don't you get it? what ever la, juz keep reading.
If you don't know who is she,She is 'her' and she is Erza Scalet. She is 17 years old. 158 is her height. And 51 is her weight. Everyone call her 'The Titania'. She is the main, third strongest, and the most beautiful character in fairy tail manga. She like to wearing armour. she wearing her armour almost all the time. Wanna know why she always wearing armour? I will Tell You, But first, Isn't she cute.

Before she joined fairy tail gang or group or whatever. She has a very2 bad past time. She was a slave to the dark government. Working for build a Big building. Function of that building is to reborn a man or whatever. (asalkan ada nyawa) And then the slaves was fired up coz the dark government treat them badly. So they all make a revolt. But after that bla bla bla bla. Not only she but the entire slave being trick by the dearest friend of erza a.k.a the chief of the revolt. And bla bla bla and bla.
(There is she When She Was Fired Up)

(she was soo cute when she cry)
(don't push me) (??)

(Ready For The Date) (hohoho)
maybe that's all for today. i hope there is no guy love erza like i do. if anyone like erza. you gonna deal with me first. hahaha. owh, i almost forgot. The main idea of this journey is from my bro 'musica'. I pick the main idea from his writing about introducing his cat. So thanx bro. And thanx for you guys for reading. Jane~~
i need to write. i really2 need to write!! plis give me an idea!!!
oh yeah,
my brother will be engage soon, emmm, yeah this saturday i guess...
wahh, i am soo proud toward my brother..
he grown up already (mcm mane aku takleh prasan huh??)
and after that he will married~
and that meansss... hehehehe..
he will became 'pakcik' and i will be more younger than he is!!
anyway, i know this is too earlier to speak out loud, but....
Hope You Get A Happy Wedding Day!!
to my big brother and to his future bright the unknown person!!
hahahahahhaha!!! maybe thats all for today, jane~

(This Is Not Mine ok!!)
why number 7??? Do you know why?? Wanna know why???
if you check my blog list, my last month blog is 7.
my last-last month also number 7..
do you get it? you seem doesn't understand....
What ever la~
this is New month!! So i want to change this last blog>
this month i want the last blog number 8.
why do you read my blog with such a weird face??
oooooohhhhhhh~ I get it.
you doesnt understand yet~
its doesnt matter~
umm, now what??
ohhh yeah~ this is my worth day EVER!!!!
my pendrive Broken - Terminated - Destroy!!!
do you just say So What??
SO WHAT??? in my pendrive is FULL with my FAV GAME!!!
its hard to DOWNLOAD it BACK!!
its take more than one month to download it all!!
after download it l must search the 'Cheat' back!!
and then,'The Most Worth Thing EVER', i must play it BACK!!!!!!
like i said~ This is totally not my lucky day.
huh~ mybe this will make me more emo~
okay la~~~~
that all For today,I guess~~

new month?? this is bad. this is really bad.....
know why?? if new month is near it mean new year is coming!!
you know what i mean?? next year is my PMR exam!!!!
ARRRRRRR!!! no!!!!! plizz stop the time!!!!!! i'm not ready yet!!!!
huh~ ok. enough about PMR or exam or sewaktu dengan nyer~
i just need to relax~ huhhhh~ ok.
umm, right now i interest in this song. high school musical song.
and the most best to hear is 'can i have your dance'. i totally love that song.
it remind me about 'us'........ hihihihihihihihi.

its not a promotion, just want you watch the movie too.
it not worth to watch it. dont think a teenage boy cant watch this.
hope i can share the song too. but i cant. actually i dont know how.
k la~ thats all for today. i dont have much idea to write.
oh well, what happen is happen.
right now i've starting to read conan and fairy tail comic books~
ya, both are very enjoyable if read it.
but i more interest in Detective Conan comic book.

after i read this comic book, i think that when i grow up i want to be a awsome detective like
sherloc holmes or shinichi kudo the main character in that comic book.
its look like i finished up my first case. it kinda hard to solve it, but you know la~(??) know what the case is??
it is about my father. my mother was wondering why was my father always came back home late.i want to tell you more 'terperinci'. but i dont know how to write it.
oh well, thats all for today.

This is the stories. it begin when i came to the school at thursday. i said to my class monitor, can i settle the class money now?? than he say, yes you can. so i paid the class money. then i asked him, when the party start?? his answer is at sunday 8.OO AM.
At sunday i came to the school at 8.00am. when i came to school i hear someone reading Al-Quran. but i dont care because it always like that. then i go into my class. there is no people in my class. i thought there were late. so i wait for a while.
at 8.45am (maybe la), i took a walk around the school till 9.oopm. at 9.00, i go back to my class to make sure there is a people in there. but there is no people in that class. i think they were all forgot about the party.
so i called my friend, but no one answer. so i went back to my house. after a while, my friend called me back and told me that the time were change. its not at 8.00 am but 10.00 am. then my friend asked me, do you want to go to the class party? so i said i was soo frustrated. my friend understand my feeling so he told me he will bring some for me.
i'm glad i have a friend like him. at monday he gave me a big slice of cake and a few candy.

but that not make any change. i dont want the food. i want the joy and the fun. oh well, what can i do about that. just keep smiling every time.

hope its fun. ''i said the same line before!!''
She teach us about babbling and yelling and reprimand.I am soo bored because if she mad, she always target me as the sourse to release her madness.I feel like be an imbecile.
When she's mad, your heart will be fragile.
wow!! ''scary''

oh well,
she permanently my teacher,
what else can i do..
the only thing that i can do is smile when she mad at me..
that all maybe~
k, jane~
cant wait my class party!
hope it's fun.
aww, come on...scream with me....
why the time run so fast,
i think i'm not ready yet for the new adventure of my life~
next year is just like a new soul that have been created for me~
but for now,
i've only one target~
to get 4 A's in sumatif in the end year~
thats all that i can do~
i think that is the best.
oh well,
what ever happen,
life have to go on~
i have no other choice,
but to move on from the middle to the end~
my grammar are so teribble~
and my spelling to~
i hope i can rebuild my strength of english!!
(what did i say??)
i'm free.....
hope get colourfull results..

Have been written our destiny,
your the missing piece i need,
to solve the mystery.
Nobody knows,
that i need to find you,
that i got to find you.

A drop of memories of ours,
Always Been shown through the eyes,
The time that has been flowed,
Will Make a new memory,
For you, And For ME
(original copyright by JazzLess)
how about it??
i make it by myself
(buat sendiri)
hope you like it.
I was revising my anatomy to strengthen my arabic skills. I did read a few books about anatomy including the dictionary books of arabic word before. However, few things come out in my mind. How can I sustain in memorizing all the arabic word in details? Am I required to memorize all the word to become a good student? My school back in SK KGV is not a very well-known School for its Arabic and Pendidikan Islam.
However, things are changing when i read Form1 text book (i think la) back written by unknown. In the few pages earlier, he explained the way he write the books. He is one of the senior lecturer in Arab. I would like to quote few sentences from the manual and philosophy of his book;
“It is impossible to learn arabic word in great detail. This has 2 disadvantages. First, it is mind-numblingly boring, and secondly you may be lulled into false sense of security, there is much variation from person to person, and from birth to death. So a choice has to be made; it has to be recognized that some items of information are important, and some are not; lines has to be drawn between what is ‘need to know’ and what is ‘nice to know’.”
Wow, this is amazing. This is the philosophy of the key of knowledge. Many students nowadays, when they go to the lecture hall, they are not ready to learn. Many of them simply write and elaborate what the lecturer has been saying without further thinking on classification, dividing, defining the terms, and searching to differentiate between what is need to know and what is nice to know. The consequences is, they might fall asleep or they go to the library and read Kumar and Clark without proper understanding and becoming more confused. As a student, now we should be able to understand the lecture, get the definition, classify and harvest the important part of the lecture and becoming Adil. So what is Adil?
Anyway, thanks to Text Book. After teaching and serving his time in Arabic lesson field, he now devoted fully his life as a good islam . Wow, he has the same appearance of Imam Ghazali, but in the arabic lesson version ;-) Now, I can continue my study! So, guys remember, classify between what is nice to know, and what is need to know
Maaf zahir batin. Semoga Allah menerima amal daripada kita semua
if you want to know~
this symbol '~' means peace,relax,lazy bum,erm~
klo ckp melayu~
mengeluh,tak kelam-kabut,tak huru-hara....
tu jola kot~
do you what happen to me??
i have a miserable time~
i'm so depress~
do you know why??
i............miss................my family~
my big family (pakcik+makcik+sedara+sepupu+cucu+cicit)
i havent................................
(cne nak ckp??)
like the malay said~
'tak penah rse perasaan ni'~
sumtin like that la~
real aku ckp~
you cant imagine it~
(sebenarnyer aku tak tau nak tulis ape)
k la~
see you next time~
like always~
i will tell you a story~
Rasulullah s.a.w melangkah naik ke mimbar.Baru memijak tangga pertama,spontan saja terpacul dari mulut baginda ucapan 'amin'.Meletakkan kaki ke tangga ke dua,rasulullah ulangi lagi kalimah yang sama. dan 'amin' juga yang baginda lafazkan setelah berdiri di tangga yang berikutnya.Perbuatan rasul itu terasa aneh dalam pandangan kaum muslimin yang ada di situ.Gerangan apakahb yang mendorong rasulullah melafazkan ucapan "perkenankanlah" itu.Doa siapakah yang di aminkan baginda?
semestinya permintaan kekasih Allah itu tiba terus ke hadrat Kekasihnya tanpa hijab dan tempoh.Tidak mahu tersesat dalam selirat andaian dan teka-teki, sahabat pun bertanya kepada rasullulah s.a.w setelah baginda turun dari mimbar.
Rasul menjawab ,'Jibril muncul di hadapan ku dan berkata, ' celaka lah orang yang melalui bulan ramadhan yang diberkati tanpa memperoleh keampunan.' lalu aku mengaminkan ucapan Jibril itu.
'Naik ke tangga kedua, Jibril berkata lagi, 'celakalah orang yang apabila disebutkan namamu,dia tidak berselawat ke atasmu.' Lalu aku mengamin kan ucapan Jibril.
Apabila aku melangkah ke tangga ke tiga, Jibrail berkata,'Celakalah orang yang semasa hidupnya,ibubapanya atau salah seorang daripada mereka mencapai umur tua(dia gagal berkhidmat kepada mereka) menafikan dirinya memasuki syurga". Lalu aku menyebut amin'.
*Rujukan: 3003Cahaya: Himpunan kisah-kisah Malaikat oleh Md. Isa Selamat
“Tiada suatu jiwa yang terbunuh dengan penganiayaan, melainkan putera Adam yang pertama dahulu itu, mendapat bahagian dari penumpahan darah itu, kerana ia yang pertama membuka jalan untuk penumpahan darah.”(Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim)Yang dimaksudkan di dalam hadis ini adalah kisah pembunuhan Qabil terhadap Habil kerana Qabil dengki terhadap Habil yang berkahwin dengan kembarnya yang lebih cantik.Mahfumnya: Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
“Sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan hidayat, maka baginya dari pahala seperti pahala (sebanyak pahala) 2 pengikutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun dari pahala mereka. Dan sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan sesat, maka menanggung dosa sebanyak dosa-dosa pengikutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi dari dosa-dosa mereka sedikit pun." (Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim)Bagi memudahkan kefahaman akan maksud hadis-hadis di atas dan berkaitan dengan konteks kehidupan kita pada zaman ICT ini, mari kita ambil iktibar dari kisah berikut.Zack dan YahoogroupZack baharu tamat belajar di sebuah universiti kemudian di terima bekerja di sebuah syarikat ICT. Setiap pekerja dibekalkan dengan komputer, alamat email dan internet akses bagi memudahkan urusan kerja seharian.Zack mempunyai ramai kawan dan mereka berhubung melalui email setiap hari. Masa lapang Zack diisi dengan melayari laman web lucah. Kegemarannya ialah memuat turun (download) gambar-gambar lucah itu kemudian berkongsi dengan kawan-kawannya melalui email.Dia mempunyai “email group” dan ada 50 alamat email kawan-kawannya di dalam “emailgroup” tersebut. Sekali menghantar email, dia akan menghantar kepada “emailgroup” tersebut.
Selain daripada itu dia juga suka menghantar semula email yang diterima daripada rakan yang lain ke “emailgroup”. Di antara kandungan email itu adalah kisah-kisah yang mengaibkan seseorang seperti video klip bercium di dalam lif, kisah seluar dalam yang dijumpai di dalam periuk di restoran mamak dan seumpamanya lagi yang kebanyakannya adalah perkara-perkara yang nafsu kita seronok membacanya dan melihatnya tetapi hukumnya adalah jelas haram di sisi syariat Islam.Pada suatu hari ketika pulang dari tempat kerja Zack terlibat dengan kemalangan jalan raya dan kembali kerahmatullah di tempat kejadian.Di dalam Islam telah sepakat ulama’ bahawa hukum melihat gambar-gambar lucah, menyebarkan fitnah, membuka aib dan seumpamanya adalah haram serta berdosa kepada mereka yang melakukannya dan menyebarkannya.Berganda-gandaUntuk memudahkan kefahaman, katakan Zack telah mendapat satu dosa kerana menghantar gambar-gambar lucah kepada kawan-kawannya. Gambar tersebut diterima oleh 50 orang kawan-kawannya melalui email. Kesemua kawan-kawannya seronok dengan gambar tersebut dan meredai perbuatan Zack maka setiap kawannya mendapat satu dosa manakala dosa setiap kawannya itu juga diberikan kepada Zack jadilah sekarang dosa Zack 1+50 = 51.Setiap kawan-kawan Zack itu pula menghantar gambar tersebut kepada 10 orang lagi, maka sekarang dosa Zack akan bertambah lagi menjadi 1+50+500=551 dosa. Kemudian setiap sepuluh orang itu menghantar lagi kepada 10 orang yang lain, bertambahlah dosa Zack menjadi 1+50+500=5551. Begitulah seterusnya.Zack telah meninggal dunia, email nya masih lagi tersebar, maka akan berterusanlah dia mendapat dosa selagi email itu berlegar di ruang cyber hingga hari kiamat.Cerita QabilBegitulah iktibar yang boleh diambil daripada apa yang berlaku kepada Qabil, setiap jiwa yang mati dibunuh kerana hasad dengki manusia, maka dosa membunuh itu akan juga sampai kepada Qabil hingga hari kiamat. Bayangkanlah berapa ramaikah jiwa yang telah kena bunuh dengan zalim sejak dari zaman nabi Adam hingga sekarang? Dan berapakah dosa yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh Qabil di akhirat kelak?Berbalik kepada kisah Zack, katakan sebelum meninggal dunia, Zack telah sempat bertaubat, insya’Allah dosa manusia terus dengan Allah, seperti meninggalkan puasa, zakat dan solat fardu akan Allah ampunkan tetapi dosa kita sesama manusia hanya Allah akan ampunkan bila insan tersebut mengampunkan kita. Zack telah menyebarkan perkara yang menyebabkan orang lain berdosa, bagaimanakah dia nak mintak ampun dengan semua yang menerima email tersebut? Selagi mereka semua tidak mengampunkan Zack maka selagi itulah dia akan terima dosa hingga kiamat kelak.Inilah malapetaka yang sangat besar pada zaman ICT ini. Dengan sekali klik sahaja saham dosa akan mencurah-curah sampai kepada kita.Sebab itu setiap kali apabila kita menerima email, hendaklah berhati-hati, jika kandungan email itu adalah gambar lucah atau yang mengaibkan seseorang muslim lain atau sesuatu fitnah hendaklah segera dibuang dan jangan ada sedetik pun didalam hati untuk seronok dengan benda yang haram bagi mengelakkan kita dan pengirim dari berdosa.Yang sebaiknya jika yang diterima itu haram, nasihatkanlah pengirim supaya bertaubat dan berhati-hati di masa-masa akan datang.Sebaliknya jika kita menyebarkan perkara-perkara yang baik dan diredai oleh Allah SWT yang pastinya ganjaran pahala yang di terima pasti mencurah-curah selagi ia masih terus di sebarkan.Wallahhu’alam
i want to say.....
i am soo dissapoint with my classmate~
i'm heading to the girls~
do you know why???
i dont know how to say this~
i'm not disturb them...
and suddenly they cursing(curse) me..
actually not me...
but they cursing my father~
i've dont know what to say~
this is Ramadan~
dont make sins~
or dont make other guy feel bad~
you will get a very BIG sin...
happy fastin ya~
i want to ask you something....
if you get a chance that in only 40 days you go to the mosque and pray there you get
a brand new computer....
but you must share it with your sister...
did you will do it???
i've got that chance.....
but my mine said that i dont want a new com....
but my mine said again that if i dont want it...
what about my sister??
she wanted that com very much...
if i dont do it....
what about her feeling???
is she mad or sad??
do you want to know why i dont want a new com??
thats simple...
because i dont want it...
the only thing that i want is PSP...
can you give an opinion??
maybe thats all....
hope to see you again...
you know what?
today i saw an odd view...
(i've think)
you know what ive seen??
i see that someone 'got' 'hidayah' from ALLAH...
is that cool or what??
i am soo happy for him....
you want to know what kind of hidayah that he get??
it is a secret...
juz kidding......
he went to the masjid and pray jumaat....
before that..
i were condemn him...
because he always late to get us...
(especially jumaat)
the moral of this story is....
ALLAH will gave hidayah to the person that ALLAH want...
anyone can get it....
maybe thats all for today...
ps : i'm waiting for 'lailatul qadar' night...
i hope i can see/get that night...
BeRCOuPLe MaKaN iMaN DLm DiaMMessage: Sebuah cerita utk anda..Bacalah demi kebaikan..
Khas buat dirimu..Pernah seketika dulu sy rase syxberguna..Duk dlm kelas kwn2 sume xsuke..Sy nk join org diorg kata sy nyibuk..Ade gk yg kate sy kuat emo..Sket2 nk mrh..Pdhal sbnanye sy nk tgo diorg wat slh..Pstu sy cube wat lwkkonon nk tarik perhatian org lensy pg gmbira bila ade org glk ngn lwksyespcially dak2 pmpuan..Dk2 laki sume kate sy mat capap..tp sy xkesah..asalkan ade yg terhibur..Tp sy tetap merasakan kekosongan..Mmg lumrah manusia..Sorg lelaki akn tertarik kpd wanitaCmtulah yg sy rasa..Sy tgk kwn2 dh ade yg couple..
kt dorm sms2 awek smpi pg..ade yg call awek smpi 1 mlm leh abis 10rggit..Sy mule fikir..Adakah aku perlu BERCINTA?Dgn mnggunakan akal sorg plajar tgktn 4itu..sy pn mule mnanam tekad utk bercouple..dn mse tu la sy knl awk..sy rse sy dh jmpe org yg plg pntg dlmidup sy..Mula2 awk jual mhl..tp sy xkesah..nk bli gk..huhu..lst2 pndek cte..sy pn mulalahBERCINTA..Mse brcinta,mmg sy sgt2 bersemangatApe org minang kate..ALL OUT lah..huhu~~Sy salu call awk,awk pn salu call sy..gayut mlm2..kdg2 sy pn abis rm10 1mlm..Tp sgala PENGORBANAN yg dilakukan msetu..Xtrase pn kehilangannye..Mse bercinta mmg indah..Sumenye indah..Sket2 guro2 n glak2Kalo merajuk men pujuk2..Kalo birthday men wish2..Utk diri ni,trasa amat bhagia..Sbb mse tu la trase diri ni dihargai..Sy prnh pikir..Biarlah kwn2 sy tu pndg sy smcm n katasy mcm2..Aslkan awk memahami sy..
Satu hr sy dgr ceramah..Alhamdulillah..Dlm ceramah tu sy sedar,sy byk wat dosan sy kna brubah..Hidup sy msti selari ngn islam..Sy kne jadi baik..Sbb mmg tu fitrah manusia..Ignkn kebaikan..sume org nk msuk syurga kn?Sejak dr tu sy mula rapatkn diri ngnmsjid..Rapatkan diri ngn Al-Quran..Salu smyg jemaah..Salu dgr tazkirah..Sy xnk jd baik sorg2..so sy ajak awk skali..Sy ajk awk bce quran..sy ajk kjut awk bgun subuh..(calling)sy ajk awk bg2 tazkirah..Mula2 awk trkejut ngn perubahan sy..Awk igt sy dh nk jd alim, nk brenticouple.Sy kate,kite bkn wat salah..bercinta kerana Allah..Kite couple x mcm org len..Org len couple jiwang2 je..ade yg siap wat mksiat lg..pgg2 tgn n so on..Tp kita couple baik2..Jge batas2 syaro'..xnk gune ayat jiwang2jnji xnk jmpe,tkut brlaku mksiat..Dan awk trima perubahan sy tu..Sy pn byk nasihat awk..Awk pn trima..Walopn kdg2 awk merajuk sbb tguran sytuawk xdpt nk adapt..tp sy phm,prubahan mmrlukan mse..Dan akhirnya sy rasa..Hubungan kita semakin diredhai..Sy salu doa supeya kita akn kekal smpike gerbang perkahwinan..Dlm proses prubahan sy,Sy mula sedar Dakwah itu wajib..Kita kne mnyampaikan pd org ttgkbenaran.
Kalo x..kita akan dipertanggungjwbkn oleh Allahdi akhirat kelak.sesuai dgn firmanNya dlm surah Al-A'raf,surah ke 7,ayat ke 164:Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat diantara mereka berkata: "Mengapa kamumenasihati kaum yang Allah akanmembinasakan mereka atau mengazabmerekadengan azab yang amat keras?" Merekamenjawab: "Agar kami mempunyai alasan(pelepas tanggung jawab) kepadaTuhanmu,dan supaya mereka bertakwa".Pstu sy mulala bg tzkirah pd kwn2..adek2..Tgo diorg ape2 je yg diorg wat silap..Sy xleh thn bile tgk org wat slh/dose..Sy msti nk tgo.Selemah2 iman tgo ngn ati, oleh sbb synk jd org kuat iman..pe lg..tgo je la direct..huhu~~Pstu mse..sy trbace psl couple.."COUPLE HARAM"Sy xcye..tp bile bce detail2 yg die bg..cm btul lak..huhu~~tp biase la kan..kalo kite suke satu mnde tu..kite ttp akn cri alsn utk mneguhknpndptkita..Sy pn wt tatau psl mnde tu..N truskn je hubungan kite..kite x buat mksiat..Kita x jln2 pgg tgn..X jiwang2..Juz saling ambil berat..Tnye kaba..Borak2..Siap bg tzkirah2 lg..Pe yg haramnye ngn mnde cmni kn?huhu~~Xkesahlah..Mse trus berlalu...Mse ni dh nk dkt Trial SPM..lg 3mggu kot trial..ntah..lupe la..xctat dlm diary..sbb sy xde diari pon..huhu..Dlm mse tu, sy mmg rajin aja2 kwn..Pd mse yg sme bg tzkirah kt diorg..Ade yg respek..ade yg prospek..(pndg slack)Kdg2 bile tgur..sy kne marah balik..mcm2 laade kate tgur x berhikmah..ade yg kate sy poyo je..Tp xpe..sy ade tmpt ngadu..huhu~~Suatu masa..ktika sdg mntadabbur Al-Quran sorgdiri..sy trtjmpe ayat ni..
Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain(mengerjakan) kebajikan, sedang kamumelupakan diri (kewajiban) mu sendiri,padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab (Taurat)?Maka tidakkah kamu berpikir?(Al-Baqarah, ayat 44)Sy pn trfikir.."Slama ni aku dok tgo org je.Tp aku sndri msih byk kekurangan,Cpt mrh, suka buang mse,ade gk dose2 kcik yg msih dilakukan..cmne yek?"Pstu trjmpe lak ayat ni..Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yanghak dengan yang batil dan janganlahkamusembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamumengetahui.(Al-Baqarah ayat 42)Tetibe sy trfikir satu kritikan kwn.."Ala ko tu..ckp brasap..gaye alim,tpcouple gk..sme je ko ngn kitorg..tgoorgkonon..
"Berfikir sejenak..Sbnanye brcouple ni leh ke x?Adakah slame ni sy hnye mnganggap iaboleh?Dh tu, npe sy rse malu bile mak danayahtau sy slalu contact prmpuan?Dan terkadang rasa serbe salah?Mcm2 yg sy fikir..Dipendekkan crita lg skali..sy ke penang utk mngikuti satu seminardkwh..Sy hrp dgn seminar ni kefahaman symngenai dakwah akn lbih mntp..Sblum g sminar tu..sy stil sms2 lg ngn awk..tnye khbr..smpt lg psn2 spye jgn lpe bce quranarini..dlm pikiran sy.."Ni kira dkwh gk ni..salingingat-mngingati.."******Mjlis malam tu berakhir dgn sesita'aruf,kul 10 sume org dh bebas nk wat pape..Lgpn ktorg pnt..xkn nk pnjg2kn program smpi tgh mlm..pihak penganjur pn phm..Ttbe sy trgerak hati utk brkongsi mslhngn fasilitator yg ade kt situ..Sy rse ni la mse trbaik nk tnye pndptdie psl couple.Tp sy tragak2.."kalo betulla couple tusalah..abistu,nkwat cmne? Aku kne clash ke?Aaah,watpe pikir cmtu..tnye je la.Kaloxwat salah nk watpe tkut..
"Lalu sy mnghampiri Brother fasilitatortu..Mse tu die tgh belek2 trjemahan qurandie sorg2.."Assalamualaikum, bang, sy nk tnye sketbule?""Em,boleh..duduklah.Nta nk tnye ape?""Er..cmni,sy nk tnye sket.Sblom sytrlibat ngn dkwh ni, sy ade la knl sorgkwn ni, prmpuan la.Tp bknla stakat kwnbiase..rapat gk la.Bkn rapat biase,tprapatla..""Bercinta ke?"Sy malu nk tckp yg sy couple.Kg ape lkbrother tu kate..msti die pndg slacknnt. Sy angguk je la. Pstu sy tnye.."Sbnanye..couple ni boleh ke tak bang?""Akhi, mmg fitrah manusia, lelaki akantrtarik kpd perempuan, bgitu jugaperempuan akn trtarik kpd lelaki.Tp dlmislam, perasaan tu prlu ada batasnya.Pergaulan prlu dijga.Kn Allah firmandlm surah Al-Isra', surah ke 17, dlmayat yg ke 32:Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina;sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatuperbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalanyangburuk.""Tapi bang,sy xnmpk pn mnghampiri zina.Niat kami baik.Sy dh cuba sdaya upayamngawal perhubungan kami.
SMS2 pn xdelajiwang2,slalu bg tzkirah.Kami selang2bg, harini sy, esok die.Kn ke baik tu?"Sy xnk mengalah."Mmg betul niat nta baik.Tp igt, niatxpernah mnghalalkan cara.Yg batil ttpbatil, yg haq ttp haq. Cbe tgk ayat ni."Smbil brother tu bkk quran die, dantnjuk kt sy ayat ni:Dan (juga) kaum Ad dan Tsamud, dansungguh telah nyata bagi kamu(kehancuran mereka) dari (puing-puing)tempat tinggal mereka.Dan setanmenjadikan mereka memandang baikperbuatan-perbuatan mereka, lalu iamenghalangi mereka dari jalan (Allah),sedangkan mereka adalah orang-orangyangberpandangan tajam.(Surah Al-Ankabut,Surah 29, ayat 38)"Akhi, kalo nta tgk ayat ni, setantelahbuat nta pndg indah mnde buruk yg ntalakukan.Walopun nta brpandangantajam,mksdunye nta berilmu tinggi.Mmgla pd mulanya niat nta baik, tp igt,setan licik.Dia akn sdaya upaya buatnta trjerumus ke dlm kemaksiatan.."Sy pn ckpla.."Tp bang, sy dh jnji ngn die xnk jmpelg.Sbb sy tau kalo brjumpe nnt bykbhyenye. Dan die pn stuju.Kami sme2mnjge diri.Xkn ia boleh mmbawa kpd zinajugak bang?""Em,btul,nta dh jnji xnk jmpe ngn dielg.Nta dh dpt elakkan zina mata, zinatangan, zina kaki.Kalo nta jnji xnkcall die selalu, nta dpt elak zinatelinga dan zina lidah. Tp akh..msihadazina yg ttp nta xdpt eak bilabercouple..""Zina hati?" Sy mncelah."Betul, zina hati.Semua ni la ygRasulullah jelaskan dlm hadithnyabagaimana menghampiri zina tu.Nta bolehcheck dlm Riyadhus Solihin, bwh bablarangan melihat wanita.Rasulullahsabda, mata boleh berzina dgn melihat,lidah boleh berzina dgn kata2, tgnbolehbrzina dgn brpgangan.Kaki boleh berzinadgn berjalan ke arah tmpt mksiat.Hatipula boleh berzina dgn merindui,mngingati, mmbayangi si die.Hakikatnye,cmne pn nta wat, nta ttp xdpt lari drpdzina hati.
"Sy terdiam..kelu. Xtau nk kata apa2.Sume yg brother tu kate xnmpk pe ygsalahnya. Pstu die smbung.."Ana dulu pn couple gk. Lg lme drpdnta.Sjk skolah smpi dh msuk U, dkt nk gred.Tp bila ana sdar psl ni, ana trustinggalkan.Ana siap dh pikir, dialahbakal isteri ana, yg akan jd ibu kpdanak2 ana.Kalo nk ikutkan lg besar mslhana drpd nta.""Sy riso la bang. Nnt pe kwn2 die kata.Dulu sy slalu mntk tolong diorg utk rptngn die.Sure nnt diorg sume xpuas hatingn sy.Dan die sndri lak, sy takut papeakn jd kt die kalo die xdpt trimakeputusan ni.Sbb kami dh rapat sgt2"Mse tu sy dh mule sebak dah. Malu tol.Nangis dpn brother tu cte psl mnde ni.Ntah pape. Seb baik xde org len tgkmse tu.Brother tu jwb.."Kalo kwn2 die xpuas hati pn, diorg nkwatpe? Paling truk pn,diorg akn mngatadi blakang nta. Nta x kurang sket pn.Lgpn, dalam berdakwah ni, kita nk cariredha Allah, biarlah org nk kata ape2skali pn, yg pnting redha Allah.KaloAllah xredha, sumenye dh xbrmkne lg."Sy trdiam lg."Psl die plak, cbe nta pikir dr sudutpositif, mungkin die akn trimakeputusannta scara matang.Mungkin dia juga aknbuat keputusan utk tidak lg bercouple.Ana yakin,die xkn buat apa2 perkarabodoh.Kalau die wat skali pn, tu bkntggungjwb nta, ape yg nta nk wat tubtul, meninggalkan mksiat.Semua org akntggung balasan atas perbuatannyasndiri."Sy dh xdpt thn lg.Mse tu sy nangis, sydh sdar gy sy kne berhenti couple.
Dhjelas skg, Couple tu haram."Jd cmne nk wat bang?""Ana dlu, hntr 1 sms je kt die.Anatrgkn die hubungan yg dibina tu salah.Mntk maaf, kita berakhir di sini.Tlgjgn cari sy lg. Pstu ana trus tuka no.Die xcontact ana lgsung dh pstu.""Mksudnye, sy xleh cntct die lg ke? Tpbang, sy ade gk kwn prmpuan lain, lehlksy cntct diorg?""Dgn die ni lain.Nta dh pernah ade'sejarah' ngn dia.Tp, kalau nntditaqdirkan nta satu universiti ngndia,satu kuliah, pstu kne lk wt groupdiscussion, mse tu nta hnye lyn die juzsbg group discussion partner."Ttbe sy trfikir.."Die ni nk suro aku clash mlm ni gk ke?Skg gk? Xknla awl sgt?"Sy ckp.."Sy rasa sy lom ade kekuatan la bang.Leh x sy tggu smpi sy ade kekuatan brsytgglkn mnde ni?"Sy bajet nk lari la. Skali die jwb.."Akh, nta kne igt.Kekuatan tu xlehditunggu, tp ia prlu dibina.Allah xknubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga kaumitu mngubah keadaan dirinya sndiri,lehrujuk surah Ar-Ra'du,surah ke-13,ayat11.Lgpn,nta nk tggu smpi bile bru nktgglkn couple ni..abg2 kt sini pn ramaiyg prnh couple, bile msuk dkwh, diorgtgglkn."Alamak...xleh lari lgla nmpknye..syrasecm brother ni pkse sy clash mse tu gk."Sumenye dh jelas rsenye..Nmpknye syknetgglknla mnde ni gk ye.Cm xlrt rsenyenk tkn button tepon ni. Rse xsggup.""Kalo xsanggup meh ana tolong tekankan.""Eh, xpe la bang. Biar sy taip sndri."Tragak2 sy nk taip mse tu.Tp sy gagahkn gk diri.."Semuanya dh jelas..buat ape aku tgguh2lg.Tkut nnt hidayah ni Allah tarik, sshlak nk tgglkn.Kn aku salu doa supayedijauhkn dr mksiat..jd rsenye, inilahmsenye.."Lalu perlahan-lahan sy taip sms tu..
"Assalamualaikum..Sbnarnya slama ni hubungan kita salahdisisi islam.Sy igt dgn mengubah carapergaulan kita, ia dh dibolehkn, tpsbnarnya ia ttp berdosa.Sy hrp awk aknistiqamah truskan perubahan yg awk dhbuat, krn Allah.Sy mntk maaf ats segalayg dh berlaku.Kalau ada jodohinsya-Allah, akn bertemu jua.Assalamualaikum.."Berat tul nk hntr msg tu kt awk.Sy msihxmmpu nk ucap slmt tggl.Sbb tu dlm smstu sy juz akhirkan dgn ucapan salam.Lps beberapa ketika..sy tkn gk button[send].Pstu tertera kt skrin..[SENDING..][MESSAGE SENT]Mse tu sy rse cm sparuh idup sy dhhilang. Cm xcaye..sy dh hntr 1 sms, nclash ngn awk.."Terima kasih bang..""Takpe, dh tggungjwb.."Mlm tu sy sy tdo ngn linangan airmata..X sangka..mmg x disangka..Sy mmg xpnh trpikir utk clsh, tp tu layg terbaik untuk kita sbenarnya..Teringat ayat Allah..surah Al-Baqarah,ayat 216..Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahalberperang itu adalah sesuatu yang kamubenci.Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu,padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan bolehjadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu,padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allahmengetahui, sedang kamu tidakmengetahui.*******Masa terus berlalu..Sy trus sibukkan diri ngn keje2 lain..
Dlm usaha nk lupekan awk..bkn sng..tp sy trus cuba.Sy slalu bg tzkirah..igtkn org..Sy bg taklim kt msjid, cte kt org,couple haram, tunjuk sgala dalil..Mcm2 yg berlaku...ade kritikan..ade gk yg stuju..tp xkesahlah sume tu..Tbe2 1 pg ni..dpt lk msg dr awk..awk bg gmbr bunga..bwh tu ade ayat.."Seindah gubahan pertama.."Sy rse awk stil xleh lupekan sy..Sy pn pk..kne tgskn rsenye..Pstu sy hntrlah sms ni..Dan rasanya itulah yg terakhir.."Tiada yg lebih indah drpd mndapatkeredhaan ilahi..seindah manapungubahanpertama tu, slagi xmndpt keredhaanNya,ttp xbrguna..Assalamualaikum..sy tau dlu sy ckp,kaloade jodoh, insya-Allah akn bertemujuga.Tp sy xnk awk tggu. Lupekan sy.BiarAllah yg menentukan..Lg 1, jgn cari cinta manusia,ia pnuh dgn pnipuan,kekecewaan,dan xkekal..Tapi carilah cinta Allah..tiada penipuan,tidakkan pernah mengecewakanitulah cinta abadi..Cinta yg diredhai..-Yang Terakhir- "[send][SENDING..][MESSAGE SENT]Sy dh buat keputusan.Sy psti apa yg sy buat ni btul.Sy yakin, Allah akn sediakan yg terbaikuntuk sy.Sy xkn berpatah balik..Xkan..buat selama-lamanya..
long time no see.....
sorry coz it take a long time to post my new blog....
the truth is....
i forgoted my password......
i have no idea to write....
let me think.....
i will give you a story about a Mukmin......
but i will sned it tomorrow....
like always...
remember death all the time....
and make as many 'ibadah' as you can....
coz ramadan is the perfect month to do 'ibadah'
see you tomorrow....
new weekend.....
new month......
new journey......
& maybe a new life....
july is my speacial month...
do you know why???
my birthday in july...
my sister birthday in july...
my step mother a.k.a my mother birthday in july....
my ehem2 birthday in july...
my friend birthday in july....
i hope this month is my greatest month like always...
i want to told you something....
my formatif exam is near.....
i hope i can get excelent in my result...
do you think i can score like my sister....
you know what.....
in sumatif1 exam......
my number in batch is 135/161...
but my sister is no 1 in her form4 batch....
how can i beat her??
can someone told me...
maybe thats all for today....
i hope you all enjoying my blog..
good bye ...
what is blog?
according to 'my' dictionary...
blog is something like our diary......
maybe la~
i dont want to talk about that anymore.....
in my first blog....
i want to introduce my self....
my name is Jazlee Arief..
near 14 years old..
thats all...
i'm feeling sad right now...
do you know why??
because my gred in sumatif 1 is very-very....
i dont know why....
okay lah~
thats all.....
see you next weekend....
and remember.....
always think of death......
when you will die??
maybe another 10 second....
or maybe another 1 minute...
we dont know....
'ingat2 lah mati'