did i failed or did i success? i pray every day and night to god, hoping that god will gave me the best for my result. at that time. i have the thought that I really don't want to lose to my brother and sisters.
they all got 8 and 9A's for their pmr. then, my mom suddenly said to me, "it doesn't matter if you lose to your brother and sisters. don't compete with them. compete with yourself. they are not you and you are not them. it is matter that you always knew that you had done your best. whatever your result is, i still proud of you my son."

okay laa. i admit. it's true that i had add-up some words in my mother quote up there. haha. but who cares. :P whatever lah. what i'm trying to say is...
'hye! wait up! you still didn't tell us what or who the hell is extrovert.'
oh really? haha. sorry. my bad. extrovert is one of the batch name in semesra. a.k.a my juniors. this year they are form3. happy? can i continue now? thank you. i heard from my friends that there are 84 pupil from 120 something that got straight A's.
so, i just want to say how happy i am to be one of your senior. even tho i'm not one of the best senior that you got. but i still proud of you all. to those who were not get straight A's. dont worry. pmr is not everything. trust me. you still got your spm. :D
sorry for all my attitude that makes you all hated me or condemn about me. and sorry for not being a nice big bro. haha. ahh. one more thing.
da berjaya tu jangan laa sampai lupekan Allah eh. that's all maybe. exroverts! congrats! n jane~ ;)
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