so today i want to share with you guys something interesting. mwahaha! of course for guys only. because i'm a guy. sorry~
that night. i found something interesting. i saw girls from my batch looks different. haha. not so different laa actually. just their dresses. so i take this opportunity to snap pictures with them.
but before that, sy nk mntak maaf kpd tuan punya badan sbb sy tayang gmba anda kat blog sy. sori. kalo tk suke b tau sy eh! nnti sy delete. tp ckap bek2 tau. :)

and many more. malas laa nk upload. -.- okay guys you'll be the judges. which one got the best dress huh? now vote or else. haha!
if you realize, my smile are all the same. nothing special. shit. haha. ok lah. who cares. jane!
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