woah! what's with that ticking sound? is it a bomb? oh it's a clock. what does it means? why is this clock exist in this damn blog? is it the time? is it the end?

hey~ what's with that sentences having bad atmosphere around it? the ticking is not a bad thing laa. it's not like it is the end of the world. it's only the end of year 2011. in other words, new year will come!
okeh folks. u know what is this means right? it is REPLAY time! woot woot. what the hell is replay u ask? haish.
each time when the year is about to end. i, Jazlee Arief will post about what is the most precious, memorable, happy and unrepeatable things that happen in my life for this year. 2011. and i will label the post as replay.
it is the tradition of this blog. so, if you don't like it. you can simply click the button see yaa. okay? this year is the forth year for this tradition had been held.
are you ready guys. the most precious, memorable, happy and unrepeatable things that happen in this year is..
that they being part of my life. who's they? sains rembau and all its content. what? again? this is just like last years. oh really? haha. so you do remember eh? but who cares.

i admit. even tho at first i really hate that name. that place. but that the place who made changes in my life. my world. i learn so many things there. bad. good. everything. the things that i had been learn from that place is really useful for me to survive in the future.
and i'm really grateful to be sent there. now i know, when the first time i reached sains rembau. i blame the fate. i said to myself. 'i thought Allah would always gives the best for me. what is this.' now i'm surely realize. this is the best that Allah gave.

thank you Allah. for this memories, enjoyment and experiences. :) jane.
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