this story will answered all the question that always emerge inside your head. now. be prepare to know the truth.
i, member of max 24:7, will become your story teller. and i remind you again. prepare yourself for an ultimate mystery.
"but wait. what the hell is max 24:7?"
what? you dont know? this is the one of the largest phenomenon that happen in this world! dont you know anything about max? no? haish.
there are 12 members in max 24:7. we sing and dance. just like the k-pop artist. you know k-pop artist or group right? like big bang or super junior.

(max 24:7)
you know about them? but how come you dont know about us? hmm. you know 'katak di bawah tempurung'? i think that idiom is made just for you.
long ago, we were just some ordinary guy from a small town. 12 of us was a good friends. we know each other since we were a baby. we born at the same place, at the same date and at the same time.
look how we were destined to be together. i do think that god sure loves us because he gaves us the opportunity to succeed in our life.
we really loves to dance and sing. we think that is our specialty. so one day, one of us have this wonderful idea. he said that we must show our talent to the world. so we decided to go to the studio record in kl.

(that guy with a towel over there is our mak andam :D)
before we begin our journey to kl, we found someone who volunteer himself to become our manager. that's so great. after we arrived at the studio records. we show our talent to them.

they really astonished after seeing our talent. and that studio records accept us as their artist. unfortunately, the producer of the studio record wanted alloy (one of our member) to be kick from the group. it is because the producer saw alloy spit before entering the studio.
that was a very sad news for us. alloy said that we must go on with our lives. and please forget about him. so we do as he said. after several years. we became more popular. its all because alloy words that make us enthusiastic to achieve our goal.


thanks alloy. even tho you said that we must erase our memories about you. we will never forget you. you are always member of max 24:7. thats all maybe. jane!

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